As a nursing student caring for a 24-month-old pediatric patient admitted with a possible recurrent urinary tract infection, reflect on any information you would share with the parents that may be helpful or necessary for care.


As a nursing student caring for a 24-month-old pediatric patient admitted with a possible recurrent urinary tract infection, reflect on any information you would share with the parents that may be helpful or necessary for care.

Also reflect on the role of interprofessional team members who would be involved.

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As a nursing student caring for a 24-month-old pediatric patient admitted with a possible recurrent urinary tract infection, reflect on any information you would share with the parents that may be helpful or necessary for care.
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Demonstrate your review, reflection and consideration in the areas specified in the case study (and other relevant areas or factors).

You are required to use at least one peer-reviewed article from a nursing journal. If not from a nursing journal, you will use at least one article that has a nurse as an author


Pediatric Patient with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection: Information for Parents and Interprofessional Collaboration


As a nursing student caring for a 24-month-old pediatric patient with a possible recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI), it is crucial to provide parents with essential information to support their child’s care. This reflective essay aims to highlight key aspects to discuss with the parents, considering the case study provided. Additionally, the role of interprofessional team members in managing pediatric UTIs will be explored, drawing upon relevant literature from nursing journals.

Information for Parents

Understanding Urinary Tract Infections: Parents should be informed about the basics of UTIs in children. A UTI occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract, leading to infection. Common symptoms in young children include fever, discomfort during urination, foul-smelling urine, and increased frequency of urination. Educating parents about these symptoms will help them recognize when their child might be experiencing a UTI.

Risk Factors and Prevention: Discussing risk factors is crucial in preventing recurrent UTIs. Factors such as poor toilet hygiene, infrequent urination, and inadequate fluid intake can contribute to UTIs (Storme et al., 2019). Encourage parents to ensure proper hygiene practices, including regular diaper changes, wiping from front to back, and encouraging regular bathroom breaks. Promote adequate hydration as well.

Diagnostic Tests and Treatment: Inform parents about the diagnostic tests and treatment options for UTIs. Explain that a urine sample will be obtained through a sterile technique to determine the presence of bacteria. Antibiotics will likely be prescribed to eliminate the infection. Emphasize the importance of completing the full course of antibiotics and scheduling follow-up appointments for monitoring.

Promoting Comfort and Relief: Addressing the child’s discomfort is essential. Provide strategies to alleviate symptoms, such as encouraging the child to drink plenty of fluids, using age-appropriate pain relief measures (if recommended by the healthcare provider), and maintaining a comfortable diaper area.

Recognizing Recurrence and Seeking Prompt Care: Educate parents on the signs of recurrent UTIs and stress the importance of seeking prompt medical attention. Prompt treatment can prevent complications and further infections (Aggarwal, 2022). Inform parents about the red flags indicating a possible recurrence, such as persisting symptoms, worsening fever, or changes in the child’s behavior.

Role of Interprofessional Team Members

Pediatrician: The pediatrician plays a vital role in diagnosing and treating UTIs in children. They will conduct a comprehensive assessment, order appropriate diagnostic tests, prescribe medications, and monitor the child’s progress. Collaborate with the pediatrician to ensure accurate communication and implement the prescribed treatment plan effectively.

Pediatric Nurse: Pediatric nurses are integral in providing direct care to the child. They collect urine samples, administer medications, and educate parents on preventive measures and self-care (Reinhard, 2008). Nurses monitor the child’s vital signs, observe for any adverse reactions to medication, and provide comfort measures to promote healing.

Pediatric Urologist: In cases of recurrent UTIs or complex urinary issues, a pediatric urologist may be involved. They specialize in diagnosing and managing urinary tract conditions in children. Collaborate with the urologist to ensure proper assessment, follow-up care, and surgical intervention if necessary.

Clinical Microbiologist: The clinical microbiologist plays a crucial role in analyzing urine cultures to identify the causative bacteria and determine the most appropriate antibiotic therapy. Collaborate with the microbiologist to ensure accurate and timely results, allowing for effective treatment decisions.


Caring for a pediatric patient with recurrent UTIs requires effective communication and collaboration with parents and the interprofessional team. By providing parents with essential information about UTIs, risk factors, prevention strategies, and the treatment process, nurses can empower them to actively participate in their child’s care. Additionally, involving the interprofessional team, including pediatricians, pediatric nurses, pediatric urologists, and clinical microbiologists, ensures comprehensive and holistic management of the child’s condition. Through interprofessional collaboration, healthcare providers can optimize outcomes and promote the well-being of the pediatric patient.


Aggarwal, N. (2022, December 3). Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf. 

Reinhard, S. C. (2008, April 1). Supporting Family Caregivers in Providing Care. Patient Safety and Quality – NCBI Bookshelf. 

Storme, O., Saucedo, J. T., García-Mora, A., Dehesa-Dávila, M., & Naber, K. G. (2019). Risk factors and predisposing conditions for urinary tract infection. Therapeutic Advances in Urology, 11, 175628721881438. 

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