You have learned this week that there are special modifiers used exclusively for Anesthesia services called physical status modifiers. These modifiers are important when reporting the patient’s health condition when anesthesia was administered

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You have learned this week that there are special modifiers used exclusively for Anesthesia services called physical status modifiers. These modifiers are important when reporting the patient’s health condition when anesthesia was administered.

Provide a rationale when and how physical status modifiers are used.

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You have learned this week that there are special modifiers used exclusively for Anesthesia services called physical status modifiers. These modifiers are important when reporting the patient’s health condition when anesthesia was administered
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Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Describe in words what physical status modifiers are
  • Select and articulate one physical status modifier (do not use the same as peers)
  • Describe why a physical status modifier is needed
  • Discuss why it is necessary for medical coders working for Anesthesiologists to accurately interpret and use physical status modifiers when coding patient medical reports.


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