For this assignment choose Basic Concept Map based on an exemplar condition, disorder, or disease process. The Concept Map will include the following:

Table of Contents


For this assignment choose Basic Concept Map based on an exemplar condition, disorder, or disease process. The Concept Map will include the following:

  • Recognizing Cues: Assessment (VS/Subj./Obj./Labs/Diagnostics/Risk Factors/Psychosocial): 10 cues
  • Prioritize Hypotheses: Nursing Problem Statements or Nursing Diagnosis. Should be prioritized. Consider physiological problems or actual problems followed by at risk problems.
  • Generate Solutions: Planning. What do you want as an outcome for your client? Goals should be SMART goals.
  • Act: Interventions. What will you do to help improve your client’s condition or prevent further deterioration? Consider your prioritized hypothesis. Must cite rationale
  • Evaluate Outcomes: Evaluation. Did your actions result in the desired outcome for your client?
  • Analyze Cues: Analysis. What do you think might be going on with the client? What does it mean?
  • References


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For this assignment choose Basic Concept Map based on an exemplar condition, disorder, or disease process. The Concept Map will include the following:
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