For each theory listed below, answer the following questions. What are 3 examples of how the theory applies to current nursing? What are 3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory?


For each theory listed below, answer the following questions. What are 3 examples of how the theory applies to current nursing? What are 3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory? What are 3 benefits to nurses when utilizing the theory? Describe two barriers to using the theory in practice and at least one method for overcoming each barrier.


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For each theory listed below, answer the following questions. What are 3 examples of how the theory applies to current nursing? What are 3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory?
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  • Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory
  • Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory
  • Orlando Theory
  • King’s Conceptual System Theory
  • Neuman System’s Model
  • Leininger’s Culture Care Model
  • Parse’s theory of Human Becoming


A Comprehensive Analysis of Nursing Theories and their Practical Application


Nursing theories provide a framework for understanding and guiding nursing practice. They offer valuable insights into patient care, emphasizing the importance of various factors and approaches. In this essay, we will explore six prominent nursing theories: Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory, Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory, Orlando Theory, King’s Conceptual System Theory, Neuman System’s Model, Leininger’s Culture Care Model, and Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming. For each theory, we will discuss its application to current nursing, positive patient outcomes resulting from its utilization, benefits to nurses, barriers to its implementation, and potential strategies for overcoming these barriers.

Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory

This theory focuses on the impact of the environment on patient well-being. Three examples of how this theory applies to current nursing include:

 Maintaining a clean and sanitized environment to prevent healthcare-associated infections (National Academies Press (US), 1995b). 

 Creating a healing and calming atmosphere through proper lighting, noise control, and comfortable bedding.

  Promoting a supportive and comfortable environment for patients’ psychological well-being through therapeutic communication and emotional support.

Positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing this theory include:

 Reduced rates of healthcare-associated infections. 

 Enhanced patient comfort and satisfaction. 

 Improved healing and recovery due to a conducive environment.

Benefits to nurses when utilizing this theory include:

 Increased awareness of the impact of the environment on patient outcomes. 

 Enhanced communication skills to create a supportive environment.

  Improved job satisfaction through positive patient feedback (Kieft et al., 2014).

Barriers to using the Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory may include:

 Limited resources or outdated facilities that hinder creating an ideal environment.  Resistance to change from staff members who may be accustomed to traditional practices. 

 Lack of education or training on environmental factors and their impact on patient care.

To overcome these barriers:

Advocacy for improved resources and facility upgrades can help create a more conducive environment. 

 Education and training programs can be implemented to educate staff about the theory’s principles and benefits. 

 Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and involving staff in decision-making processes can foster acceptance and ownership of environmental improvements.

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory

This theory focuses on promoting self-care abilities in patients. Three examples of how this theory applies to current nursing include:

 Assessing patients’ self-care abilities and identifying areas where they require assistance. 

 Developing individualized care plans that empower patients to actively participate in their own care. 

 Providing education and support to enhance patients’ self-care knowledge and skills.

Positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing this theory include:

 Increased independence and autonomy in self-care activities. 

 Improved management of chronic conditions through patient engagement. 

 Enhanced overall well-being and quality of life.

Benefits to nurses when utilizing this theory include:

 Improved patient-nurse collaboration and shared decision-making.

  Greater job satisfaction by witnessing patients’ progress and increased independence. 

 Enhanced critical thinking and assessment skills through individualized care planning.

Barriers to using Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory may include:

 Limited time and resources to provide comprehensive patient education and support (Khademian et al., 2020). 

 Patients’ reluctance or resistance to taking an active role in their care. 

 Insufficient training or knowledge gaps among nurses in implementing self-care strategies.

To overcome these barriers

 Incorporating technology and innovative teaching methods can facilitate efficient patient education. 

 Building a trusting nurse-patient relationship through effective communication and empathy can encourage patient engagement (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020c). 

Continuous professional development and training opportunities can help nurses acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to support self-care.


 Nursing theories play a vital role in guiding contemporary nursing practice. By understanding the practical application, positive patient outcomes, and benefits to nurses, healthcare professionals can embrace these theories to enhance patient care. While barriers to implementing these theories may exist, proactive measures such as resource advocacy, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration can help overcome these challenges. By integrating nursing theories into practice, nurses can deliver patient-centered care, optimize outcomes, and contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession.


Khademian, Z., Ara, F. K., & Gholamzadeh, S. (2020). The Effect of Self Care Education Based on Orem’s Nursing Theory on Quality of Life and Self-Efficacy in Patients with Hypertension: A Quasi-Experimental Study. DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 8(2), 140–149. 

Kieft, R., De Brouwer, B. J. M., Francke, A. L., & Delnoij, D. M. J. (2014). How nurses and their work environment affect patient experiences of the quality of care: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 14(1). 

Molina-Mula, J., & Gallo-Estrada, J. (2020c). Impact of Nurse-Patient Relationship on Quality of Care and Patient Autonomy in Decision-Making. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), 835. 

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