Basic Concept Map based on an exemplar condition, disorder, or disease process. The Concept Map will include the following


Assignment: Comfort Module: Pain


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Basic Concept Map based on an exemplar condition, disorder, or disease process. The Concept Map will include the following
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Basic Concept Map based on an exemplar condition, disorder, or disease process. The Concept Map will include the following:

  • Pathophysiology
  • Must cite resource
  • Assessment Data
  • Subjective
  • Objective
  • 3-Part Nursing Diagnosis Statement
  • Two nursing diagnosis/priority problems
  • Should be prioritized based on most urgent/important
  • Short Term Goal
  • One goal for each nursing diagnosis/priority problem.
  • Interventions with Rationale
  • Must cite rationale
  • Evaluation


 Comfort Module: Pain

Concept Map


Pain is a complex sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. It involves the activation of specialized nerve fibers called nociceptors, which detect harmful stimuli. The transmission of pain signals occurs through the peripheral nervous system, spinal cord, and brain, involving various neurotransmitters and pathways. Factors such as inflammation, nerve damage, or dysfunctional pain processing mechanisms can contribute to the development and persistence of pain.

Assessment Data: Subjective:

Patient reports pain intensity as 8 on a scale of 0-10.

Patient describes the pain as aching and sharp in nature.

Patient states the pain is located in the lower back and radiates down the left leg.

Patient reports increased pain with movement.


Observation of patient grimacing and guarding the lower back.

Restricted range of motion in the lumbar spine (Yam et al., 2018).

Presence of muscle spasm and tenderness upon palpation in the lower back.

Positive straight leg raise test indicating nerve irritation.

3-Part Nursing Diagnosis Statement

Acute Pain related to musculoskeletal injury and nerve irritation secondary to lumbar disc herniation.

Impaired Physical Mobility related to pain and restricted range of motion in the lumbar spine.

Two Nursing Diagnosis/Priority Problems

Acute Pain: This nursing diagnosis takes priority as it directly affects the patient’s comfort and well-being, impairing their ability to perform activities of daily living and participate in therapeutic interventions (Wells, 2008b)

Impaired Physical Mobility: This nursing diagnosis is the second priority as it is a consequence of the pain experienced by the patient and can further limit their functional abilities.

Short Term Goals

The patient’s pain will be reduced to a level of 4 or less on a scale of 0-10 within 24 hours.

The patient will demonstrate improved mobility and be able to perform basic functional activities without exacerbating pain within 48 hours.

Interventions with Rationale

Administer analgesic medication as prescribed (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or opioids). Rationale: Medications can help alleviate pain and improve the patient’s comfort level, allowing them to participate in therapeutic interventions and enhance their overall well-being.

Apply heat or cold therapy to the affected area. Rationale: Heat therapy helps to increase blood flow, relax muscles, and relieve pain. Cold therapy reduces inflammation, numbs the area, and provides pain relief.

Assist the patient in finding a comfortable position, such as lying with knees bent or using a pillow for support. Rationale: Proper positioning helps to reduce strain on the affected area, relieve pressure on nerves, and promote pain relief and comfort.

Teach the patient deep breathing and relaxation techniques. Rationale: Deep breathing and relaxation techniques can help the patient manage pain, decrease muscle tension, and promote a sense of calm and well-being.


The nursing interventions implemented for the patient’s acute pain and impaired physical mobility related to lumbar disc herniation were effective in achieving the desired outcomes. The patient’s pain was reduced to a level of 4 or less within 24 hours, and they demonstrated improved mobility without exacerbating pain within 48 hours (Nicol et al., 2020). The administration of analgesic medication, application of heat or cold therapy, proper positioning, and teaching of deep breathing and relaxation techniques contributed to the successful management of pain and restoration of physical mobility.

Pain management is a crucial aspect of nursing care, as uncontrolled pain can lead to various negative outcomes, including decreased quality of life, impaired physical functioning, and delayed recovery. By implementing evidence-based interventions and individualizing care according to the patient’s specific needs and preferences, nurses play a vital role in promoting comfort, facilitating healing, and improving overall patient outcomes.


Nicol, A. L., Adams, M. E., Gordon, D. B., Mirza, S. K., Dickerson, D. M., Mackey, S., Edwards, D., & Hurley, R. W. (2020). AAAPT Diagnostic Criteria for Acute Low Back Pain with and Without Lower Extremity Pain. Pain Medicine, 21(11), 2661–2675. 

Wells, N. (2008b, April 1). Improving the Quality of Care Through Pain Assessment and Management. Patient Safety and Quality – NCBI Bookshelf. 

Yam, M. F., Loh, Y. C., Yam, M. F., Adam, S. K., Manan, N. A., & Basir, R. (2018). General Pathways of Pain Sensation and the Major Neurotransmitters Involved in Pain Regulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(8), 2164. 

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