A nursing student is requesting permission to make evidence-based practice (EBP) project on the medical/surgical unit you are managing.


A nursing student is requesting permission to make evidence-based practice (EBP) project on the medical/surgical unit you are managing. The project will include the implementation of an EBP aimed at solving an identified problem at the facility and subsequent measurement for correlated results. You are excited to partner with this student, however, there are concerns related to patient privacy and data tracking. Address these concerns with the creation of a student handbook related to EBP projects.


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A nursing student is requesting permission to make evidence-based practice (EBP) project on the medical/surgical unit you are managing.
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made student handbook that:

  1. Explains the impact of information technology and data analysis on improving patient outcomes.
  2. Supports the nurse’s role in utilizing information technology and data analysis to improve patient outcomes.
  3. Describes the necessity for protecting patient privacy related to accessing, using, and sharing patient data for purposes of an EBP project through the responsible use of information technology.
  4. Establishes guidelines to avoid misuse of data


Enhancing Evidence-Based Practice Projects in a Healthcare Setting


Welcome to the Student Handbook on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) projects in our healthcare facility. This handbook aims to address concerns related to patient privacy and data tracking while encouraging the utilization of information technology and data analysis to improve patient outcomes. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this handbook, nursing students can engage in EBP projects effectively and responsibly, while ensuring the privacy and security of patient information.

Section 1

 Impact of Information Technology and Data Analysis on Patient Outcomes In this section, we emphasize the positive impact of information technology and data analysis on improving patient outcomes (Improved Diagnostics & Patient Outcomes | HealthIT.gov, n.d.). Students will gain an understanding of how technology supports evidence-based care, enhances patient safety, and optimizes healthcare delivery. The integration of technology allows for more accurate data collection, analysis, and interpretation, leading to evidence-based interventions and improved patient outcomes.

Section 2

 Nurse’s Role in Utilizing Information Technology and Data Analysis This section highlights the vital role nurses play in utilizing information technology and data analysis to improve patient outcomes. It emphasizes the importance of nurses as active contributors to evidence-based care and champions of patient safety. Students will learn about the various technological tools available and how to leverage them effectively in their EBP projects, such as electronic health records (EHRs), clinical decision support systems, and data analysis software.

Section 3

 Protecting Patient Privacy in EBP Projects Patient privacy is of utmost importance in any healthcare setting. This section outlines the necessity for protecting patient privacy related to accessing, using, and sharing patient data for EBP projects. It emphasizes the importance of complying with legal and ethical standards, including Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations (Nass, 2009a). Students will learn about the potential risks and consequences of breaching patient privacy and the importance of obtaining necessary permissions and consents when working with patient data.

Section 4

 Guidelines to Avoid Misuse of Data In this section, we establish guidelines to ensure the responsible use of patient data and prevent misuse. Students will learn about the importance of data integrity, accuracy, and confidentiality (National Academies Press (US), 1994). They will be educated on the ethical considerations involved in data collection, analysis, and interpretation, emphasizing the need for informed consent, de-identification of data, and secure storage practices. Students will also understand the importance of proper data handling and the potential consequences of unauthorized access or data breaches.


 As nursing students engaging in EBP projects, it is crucial to recognize the transformative power of information technology and data analysis in improving patient outcomes. However, this power comes with the responsibility to protect patient privacy and ensure the ethical and secure use of data. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this handbook, students can actively contribute to evidence-based care while upholding the highest standards of patient privacy and data security. Together, we can advance the quality of care provided on our medical/surgical unit while maintaining the trust and confidence of our patients.


Improved Diagnostics & Patient Outcomes | HealthIT.gov. (n.d.). https://www.healthit.gov/topic/health-it-and-health-information-exchange-basics/improved-diagnostics-patient-outcomes 

Nass, S. J. (2009a). The Value and Importance of Health Information Privacy. Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK9579/ 

National Academies Press (US). (1994). Confidentiality and Privacy of Personal Data. Health Data in the Information Age – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK236546/ 

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