What should occur in the verification phase?  What should occur in the clarification phase?


The nurse is asked to participate in medication reconciliation for one of the patients for which the nurse is providing care. Medication reconciliation is a new process for the nurse, who seeks guidance from the preceptor before the process begins. The preceptor provides some written information and reviews the process verbally. Each of the following steps and the nurse’s role is outlined by the preceptor: verification, clarification, and reconciliation.

  1.  What should occur in the verification phase?
  2.  What should occur in the clarification phase?
  3.  What should occur in the reconciliation phase?


Medication Reconciliation Process: Steps and Nurse’s Role Explained


Medication reconciliation is a crucial process in healthcare that aims to ensure accurate and safe medication management for patients. As a nurse, participating in medication reconciliation requires a clear understanding of the process and responsibilities involved. In this essay, we will outline the three essential phases of medication reconciliation: verification, clarification, and reconciliation. We will also discuss the nurse’s role in each phase, emphasizing the importance of accurate medication management and patient safety.

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What should occur in the verification phase?  What should occur in the clarification phase?
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Verification Phase

The verification phase is the initial step in medication reconciliation, where the nurse ensures the accuracy of the patient’s current medication list. During this phase, the nurse collaborates with the patient and other healthcare providers to confirm the medications the patient is currently taking. The nurse’s role in the verification phase includes:

Gathering Information; The nurse collects the patient’s medication history from various sources such as the patient, family members, primary care providers, and community pharmacies (Barnsteiner, 2008). This comprehensive approach helps identify all medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and herbal supplements.

Documenting Medications: The nurse accurately records the patient’s medication list, including the medication name, strength, dosage form, route, frequency, and the reason for use. This information serves as a reference for further steps in the reconciliation process.

Clarification Phase

The clarification phase focuses on resolving any discrepancies or uncertainties identified during the verification phase. It involves seeking additional information and clarifying details to ensure accurate medication information. The nurse’s role in the clarification phase includes:

Communicating with the Patient: The nurse engages in open and effective communication with the patient to clarify any doubts or uncertainties regarding their medication history. This may involve discussing medication names, dosages, or any changes in the medication regimen.

Collaborating with Healthcare Providers: The nurse consults with other healthcare providers involved in the patient’s care, such as physicians, pharmacists, and specialists, to obtain accurate and up-to-date information about the medications (Waszyk-Nowaczyk et al., 2021). This collaboration helps address any discrepancies or potential medication-related issues.

Reconciliation Phase

The reconciliation phase is the final step of the medication reconciliation process. It involves comparing the patient’s current medication list with the intended medication regimen and resolving any discrepancies. The nurse’s role in the reconciliation phase includes:

Reviewing Discrepancies: The nurse carefully reviews and compares the patient’s current medication list with the prescribed medications (Tariq, 2023). Any discrepancies, such as missing medications, incorrect dosages, or duplicated therapies, are identified and addressed.

Consulting with the Interdisciplinary Team: The nurse collaborates with the interdisciplinary healthcare team, including physicians, pharmacists, and other nurses, to resolve identified discrepancies. This collaboration ensures accurate and safe medication management for the patient.

Documenting Changes: The nurse accurately documents any changes made to the medication list, including the rationale behind the changes and any recommendations for future medication management. This documentation serves as a reference for ongoing care and facilitates continuity of care.


Medication reconciliation is a vital process that requires meticulous attention to detail and effective communication among healthcare providers. The nurse plays a crucial role in each phase of medication reconciliation, including verification, clarification, and reconciliation. By accurately verifying medication information, clarifying uncertainties, and resolving discrepancies, nurses contribute to patient safety and ensure the effective management of medications. Through a collaborative approach and diligent documentation, healthcare providers can optimize medication reconciliation and promote positive patient outcomes.


Barnsteiner, J. H. (2008, April 1). Medication Reconciliation. Patient Safety and Quality – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2648/ 

Tariq, R. A. (2023, May 2). Medication Dispensing Errors and Prevention. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519065/ 

Waszyk-Nowaczyk, M., Guzenda, W., Kamasa, K., Pawlak, K., Bałtruszewicz, N., Artyszuk, K., Białoszewski, A. Z., & Merks, P. (2021). Cooperation Between Pharmacists and Physicians – Whether It Was Before and is It Still Ongoing During the Pandemic? Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, Volume 14, 2101–2110. https://doi.org/10.2147/jmdh.s318480 

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