What are some effective communication techniques that the student nurse should use in therapeutic communication with Mrs. Brewster?
Case Study, Mohr
CHAPTER 37, Older Adult Clients
In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objectives: Differentiate communication approaches when working with older adults.
Discuss attitudes that many in society hold toward older people.
1. Molly Brewster is a 79-year-old white widow who is admitted to the hospital for diagnostic studies. Mrs. Brewster has been feeling fatigued with slight depression that has been increasing for the past 2 weeks prior to admission. The student nurse is assigned to care for Molly and explain some of the preparation for the diagnostic studies.
(Learning Objectives: 1)
a. What are some effective communication techniques that the student nurse should use in therapeutic communication with Mrs. Brewster?
b. Discuss different societal attitudes that individuals may have in reaction to someone in Mrs. Brewster’s position.
Effective communication techniques that the student nurse should use in therapeutic communication with Mrs. Brewster include:
Active Listening: The student nurse should actively listen to Mrs. Brewster’s concerns and feelings. This involves giving her undivided attention, maintaining eye contact, and using verbal and non-verbal cues to show that her thoughts and emotions are being heard and understood.
Empathy and Validation: The student nurse should express empathy and validate Mrs. Brewster’s emotions. This means acknowledging her feelings and letting her know that it is normal to feel fatigued and depressed given her circumstances. The nurse can say something like, “I understand that you’ve been feeling tired and down lately. It’s completely understandable considering what you’ve been going through.”
Clear and Simple Language: The student nurse should use clear and simple language, avoiding medical jargon and complex terminology (Sunkwa-Mills et al., 2020). This helps Mrs. Brewster understand the information being provided and ensures effective communication. The nurse should ask her if she has any questions and encourage her to ask for clarification if needed.
Non-Threatening Approach: The student nurse should adopt a non-threatening and non-judgmental approach. This helps Mrs. Brewster feel comfortable and more willing to share her concerns and ask questions. The nurse should reassure her that her feelings and experiences are important and respected.
Providing Information: The student nurse should provide Mrs. Brewster with relevant information about the diagnostic studies she will undergo (Importance of Body Language in Nursing Communication, 2022). This includes explaining the purpose of the tests, the procedures involved, and what to expect during and after the tests. The nurse should use simple and concise language and check for understanding.
Societal attitudes towards older people can vary, but there are some common stereotypes and prejudices that exist. These attitudes can have an impact on how older adults are perceived and treated.
Here are some societal attitudes that individuals may have in reaction to someone in Mrs. Brewster’s position:
Ageism: Ageism refers to prejudice and discrimination based on a person’s age, particularly against older adults. Some individuals may hold negative stereotypes about older people, perceiving them as frail, dependent, or incompetent. This can lead to patronizing behavior or disregard for their opinions and abilities.
Devaluation of Contributions: Society often undervalues the contributions and experiences of older adults. Their knowledge, wisdom, and life experiences are sometimes overlooked or dismissed. This can lead to feelings of insignificance and exclusion.
Limited Opportunities: Older adults may face limited opportunities for employment, education, and social engagement due to age-related biases. Some individuals may believe that older adults are less capable or productive, which can lead to discrimination and exclusion from various aspects of life.
Paternalistic Attitudes: Some individuals may adopt paternalistic attitudes towards older adults, assuming that they need to be protected or controlled. This can undermine their autonomy and decision-making abilities, treating them as if they are incapable of making their own choices.
Positive Attitudes: On the other hand, it’s important to acknowledge that not all societal attitudes towards older people are negative. Many individuals hold positive attitudes, recognizing the value and contributions of older adults (Bratt & Fagerström, 2023). They may respect their wisdom, seek their advice, and appreciate the diversity of experiences they bring to society.
In conclusion, effective communication techniques when working with older adults involve active listening, empathy, clear language, a non-threatening approach, and providing relevant information. Society holds various attitudes towards older people, including ageism, devaluation of contributions, limited opportunities, paternalistic attitudes, but also positive attitudes that recognize their value. It’s crucial to challenge negative stereotypes and promote respect, inclusion, and appreciation for older adults.
Bratt, A. S., & Fagerström, C. (2023). Perceptions of General Attitudes towards Older Adults in Society: Is There a Link between Perceived Life Satisfaction, Self-Compassion, and Health-Related Quality of Life? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3011. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043011
Importance of Body Language in Nursing Communication. (2022, March 26). NurseTogether. https://www.nursetogether.com/importance-body-language-nursing-communication/
Sunkwa-Mills, G., Rawal, L. B., Enweronu-Laryea, C., Aberese-Ako, M., Senah, K., & Tersbøl, B. P. (2020). Perspectives and practices of healthcare providers and caregivers on healthcare-associated infections in the neonatal intensive care units of two hospitals in Ghana. Health Policy and Planning, 35(Supplement_1), i38–i50. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czaa102

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