In the Nuremberg Code, find at least one point that focused on the research subject’s welfare and one point that focused on the research subject’s autonomy.

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In the Nuremberg Code, find at least one point that focused on the research subject’s welfare and one point that focused on the research subject’s autonomy.


In the Nuremberg Code, there are several points that emphasize the welfare and autonomy of research subjects. Two such points are:

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In the Nuremberg Code, find at least one point that focused on the research subject’s welfare and one point that focused on the research subject’s autonomy.
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“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” (Point 1)

This point underscores the importance of obtaining informed consent from research subjects. It emphasizes that research participation must be voluntary and based on the subject’s understanding of the study’s purpose, procedures, risks, and potential benefits. By highlighting the significance of voluntary consent, the Nuremberg Code prioritizes the welfare of research subjects, ensuring they have the freedom to make informed decisions about their participation.

“The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study.” (Point 5)

Point 5 of the Nuremberg Code addresses the principle of scientific justification. It highlights the importance of ensuring that the research is valuable and necessary for the betterment of society. This point emphasizes the autonomy of research subjects indirectly by acknowledging that their participation should lead to outcomes that benefit society and cannot be obtained through alternative means. By considering the broader societal implications, the code recognizes the autonomy of research subjects in contributing to scientific progress for the greater good.

Overall, the Nuremberg Code places significant emphasis on both the welfare and autonomy of research subjects. It underscores the need for voluntary informed consent to prioritize the well-being of individuals participating in research, while also emphasizing the importance of conducting studies that have societal value and are justifiably distinct from other methods.

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