Identify the workplace health and safety legislation applicable to your State/Territory and describe the key objectives of the identified Act that is relevant to your nursing practice.


When working as a community care worker, it is important for you to understand the State/Territory legislation underpinning the workplace health and safety. You must also analyse how it impacts on workplace regulations, codes of practice and industry standards.

a.   Identify the workplace health and safety legislation applicable to your State/Territory and describe the key objectives of the identified Act that is relevant to your nursing practice.

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Identify the workplace health and safety legislation applicable to your State/Territory and describe the key objectives of the identified Act that is relevant to your nursing practice.
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b. Identify the workplace health and safety regulations applicable to your State/Territory. Briefly describe the impact of the WHS Act on the identified regulations.

c. Describe the impact of the identified WHS Act on the Code of Practice – Work Health and Safety Consultation, Co-operation and Co-ordination.


“Understanding Workplace Health and Safety Legislation: Impact on Regulations, Codes of Practice, and Community Care Workers”


In order to work as a community care worker, it is crucial to understand the State/Territory legislation that underpins workplace health and safety. The specific legislation applicable to your State/Territory may vary, so it is important to consult the relevant legislation for your jurisdiction. 

For instance, let’s consider the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) in Queensland, Australia (Terry et al., 2015). The key objectives of this Act, relevant to nursing practice, are to provide for the health and safety of workers and other persons by promoting safe work practices, facilitating effective enforcement of workplace health and safety laws, and encouraging continuous improvement in workplace health and safety performance.

The WHS Act aims to ensure that workers, including community care workers, are provided with a safe and healthy working environment. It places responsibilities on employers, employees, and other duty holders to maintain health and safety standards. The Act also emphasizes the importance of consultation and cooperation between employers and workers to identify and address workplace health and safety risks.

Alongside the Workplace Health and Safety Act, there are specific regulations that further detail the requirements and obligations under the Act. In Queensland, the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (WHS Regulations) provide additional guidance and requirements for workplace health and safety.

The WHS Act has a significant impact on the WHS Regulations. It sets the overarching framework and principles, while the regulations provide more specific requirements and standards that must be met. For example, the WHS Act outlines the duty of care that employers owe to their workers, while the WHS Regulations specify particular measures that employers must implement to fulfill that duty of care.

The regulations address various aspects of workplace health and safety, such as risk management, hazard identification and control, incident reporting, and workplace facilities. They provide practical guidance to employers and employees on how to meet their obligations under the Act (Safety and Health Managment, n.d.). The WHS Act and its associated regulations work together to establish a comprehensive and cohesive system for ensuring workplace health and safety.

The Workplace Health and Safety Act also has a significant impact on the Code of Practice – Work Health and Safety Consultation, Co-operation, and Co-ordination. Codes of Practice are practical guides that provide specific guidance on how to achieve the required standards of health and safety in various workplaces and industries.

The WHS Act places a legal duty on duty holders to consult, cooperate, and coordinate activities relating to health and safety. The Code of Practice on Work Health and Safety Consultation, Co-operation, and Co-ordination aligns with these requirements. It provides practical guidance on how duty holders can effectively consult with workers, resolve health and safety issues, and coordinate activities to ensure a safe working environment.

The WHS Act’s impact on the Code of Practice is evident in the emphasis placed on collaboration and communication between employers and workers. The Act recognizes that involving workers in decision-making processes and encouraging their input leads to better outcomes in managing workplace health and safety risks. The Code of Practice provides a framework for establishing effective communication channels, promoting worker participation, and fostering a culture of cooperation.

Overall, the Workplace Health and Safety Act influences the regulations and codes of practice relevant to community care workers. It sets the foundation for promoting workplace health and safety, while the regulations and codes provide detailed requirements and practical guidance for implementing and maintaining safe work practices (Safety and Health Managment, n.d.-b). By understanding and adhering to these legislative frameworks, community care workers can contribute to creating a safer working environment for themselves and the individuals they care for.


Safety and Health Managment. (n.d.). Health and Safety Authority. 

Safety and Health Managment. (n.d.-b). Health and Safety Authority. 

Terry, D., Lê, Q., Nguyen, U. T., & Hoang, H. (2015). Workplace health and safety issues among community nurses: a study regarding the impact on providing care to rural consumers. BMJ Open, 5(8), e008306.

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