Discuss the role of multidisciplinary teams in the care of clients.


Case Study, Mohr

CHAPTER 12, Working with the Multidisciplinary Team

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Discuss the role of multidisciplinary teams in the care of clients.
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In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective:

Discuss the role of multidisciplinary teams in the care of clients.

1.   A multidisciplinary team meeting is in progress for Cindy, a 21-year-old college student who has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia.  Cindy had been an excellent student on the dean’s list until 2 weeks ago, when she stopped attending classes, stayed in her room with the blinds drawn, and refused to eat because “they have poisoned the food.” The team includes Cindy’s psychiatrist, primary nurse, unit psychologist, social worker, occupational therapist, and a registered dietician.  Cindy and her parents attend the team meeting. The team members introduced themselves and stated that they would monitor and coordinate the treatment plan for Cindy, evaluate her progress in treatment, and plan for her discharge.

(Learning Objective: 1)

  • How will the multidisciplinary team help Cindy and her family in the treatment of her schizophrenia?


Optimizing Schizophrenia Treatment: The Role of Multidisciplinary Teams in Supporting Cindy’s Recovery


The multidisciplinary team involved in Cindy’s treatment for schizophrenia plays a crucial role in providing comprehensive care and support to both Cindy and her family. Schizophrenia is a complex mental health condition that requires a holistic approach involving various healthcare professionals. By working together, the team aims to address Cindy’s specific needs, promote her recovery, and ensure a smooth transition back to her daily life. Here are some ways in which the multidisciplinary team can assist Cindy and her family:

Comprehensive Assessment

The team members, including the psychiatrist, psychologist, and nurse, will conduct a thorough assessment of Cindy’s condition. They will gather information about her symptoms, medical history, and social context to develop a comprehensive understanding of her situation. This collaborative approach ensures that no aspect of Cindy’s condition is overlooked, and all relevant factors are considered in her treatment plan.

Tailored Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment, the multidisciplinary team will work together to develop an individualized treatment plan for Cindy. Each team member brings their expertise and perspective to the table, allowing for a more comprehensive and effective plan. The psychiatrist may prescribe medication, the psychologist may provide therapy, the nurse may monitor medication adherence and physical health, and the occupational therapist may assist with improving daily functioning and skills (Grant & Lusk, 2015). The social worker can help with connecting Cindy to community resources and support systems, while the registered dietitian can address any nutritional concerns. This collaborative effort ensures that Cindy receives a well-rounded approach to her treatment.

Coordination of Care

The team members will actively communicate and coordinate their efforts to ensure that Cindy’s treatment is cohesive and integrated. Regular team meetings, such as the one described in the case study, provide a platform for discussing Cindy’s progress, adjusting the treatment plan as needed, and addressing any challenges or concerns. This coordination helps prevent fragmented care and enhances the overall quality of Cindy’s treatment.

Evaluation of Progress

The multidisciplinary team will regularly evaluate Cindy’s progress in treatment. Through ongoing assessments and feedback from all team members, they can gauge the effectiveness of the interventions and make adjustments accordingly (Taberna et al., 2020). By monitoring her progress together, the team can identify any areas of improvement or additional support needed, ultimately enhancing the outcomes of Cindy’s treatment.

Support for Family Involvement

Cindy’s family plays a vital role in her recovery and ongoing care. The multidisciplinary team recognizes the importance of involving and supporting her family throughout the treatment process. They can provide psychoeducation about schizophrenia, offer guidance on how to support Cindy at home, and address any concerns or questions the family may have (Eassom et al., 2014). By engaging the family, the team helps create a supportive environment that promotes Cindy’s well-being and recovery.

Discharge Planning

As Cindy progresses in her treatment, the team will collaborate on developing a discharge plan. This plan will outline the necessary steps and support services needed for Cindy’s successful transition back into her daily life. The team will ensure that Cindy and her family are well-prepared and have access to ongoing care, including follow-up appointments, medication management, therapy, and community resources.

In conclusion, the multidisciplinary team involved in Cindy’s treatment for schizophrenia plays a crucial role in providing comprehensive care and support. By leveraging the expertise of various healthcare professionals, the team can develop a tailored treatment plan, coordinate care, evaluate progress, involve and support Cindy’s family, and plan for her successful discharge. This collaborative approach ensures that Cindy receives holistic and effective care, addressing her unique needs and promoting her recovery.


Eassom, E., Giacco, D., Dirik, A., & Priebe, S. (2014). Implementing family involvement in the treatment of patients with psychosis: a systematic review of facilitating and hindering factors. BMJ Open, 4(10), e006108. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006108 

Grant, C. L., & Lusk, J. (2015). A multidisciplinary approach to therapeutic risk management of the suicidal patient. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 291. https://doi.org/10.2147/jmdh.s50529 

Taberna, M., Moncayo, F. L. G., Jané-Salas, E., Antonio, M., Arribas, L. P., Vilajosana, E., Torres, E., & Mesia, R. (2020). The Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Approach and Quality of Care. Frontiers in Oncology, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2020.00085 

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