Choose two journal articles related to the healthcare of new immigrants or refugees and one related to people from marginalized populations who are indigent and uninsured


Choose two journal articles related to the healthcare of new immigrants or refugees and one related to people from marginalized populations who are indigent and uninsured.

Conduct a review and summarize the articles.

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Choose two journal articles related to the healthcare of new immigrants or refugees and one related to people from marginalized populations who are indigent and uninsured
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Present a summary of the journal article, and examine how the information presented may impact your nursing practice.

Discuss what you have learned to improve diversity awareness and cultural competence in caring for people from each population.

Please select journal articles that include a hyperlink (URL or DOI) so your peers can access the article should they want to learn more about your selected articles.


Improving Healthcare Access and Cultural Competence: A Review of Journal Articles on Immigrants, Undocumented Migrants, and Marginalized Populations

Journal Article 1

Article Title: Healthcare Access and Utilization among Immigrants in the United States: A Systematic Review

Authors: Vargas Bustamante, Artiga, & Ortega

Publication Date: October 2019

DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2019.00283


This systematic review explores the healthcare access and utilization patterns among immigrants in the United States. The study examines various factors influencing healthcare access, including legal status, language proficiency, insurance coverage, and cultural barriers. The authors highlight that immigrants face significant disparities in accessing healthcare due to socioeconomic, structural, and cultural factors. Limited English proficiency, lack of health insurance, and fear of immigration authorities were identified as major barriers to healthcare utilization. The study also suggests that policies promoting inclusive healthcare access and culturally sensitive care are crucial in addressing the healthcare needs of immigrant populations.

Impact on Nursing Practice

The findings of this study emphasize the need for nurses to be aware of and sensitive to the unique challenges faced by immigrant populations. Nurses play a crucial role in bridging the gap between immigrants and healthcare services by providing culturally competent care. It is important for nurses to understand the cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic factors that may hinder immigrants’ access to care. By recognizing these barriers, nurses can advocate for policy changes that promote equitable healthcare access and work towards creating a welcoming and inclusive healthcare environment for immigrants.

Diversity Awareness and Cultural Competence

To improve diversity awareness and cultural competence in caring for immigrants, nurses can take several steps. First, nurses should educate themselves about the cultural beliefs, practices, and health beliefs prevalent in the immigrant communities they serve. This can be achieved through attending cultural competency training programs, engaging in self-reflection, and seeking opportunities to interact with immigrant populations. Additionally, nurses should strive to develop language skills or utilize interpreter services to overcome language barriers. Building trust with immigrant patients is crucial, and nurses can do so by demonstrating respect for cultural values, providing information in a culturally sensitive manner, and involving patients and their families in healthcare decision-making processes.

Journal Article 2

Article Title: Health and Access to Care for Undocumented Migrants Living in the United States: A Scoping Review

Authors: Hacker et al.

Publication Date: December 2019

DOI: 10.1186/s12939-019-1079-9


This scoping review explores the health status and access to care among undocumented migrants in the United States. The study highlights that undocumented migrants face significant barriers in accessing healthcare due to their legal status, fear of deportation, financial constraints, and limited eligibility for public health insurance programs. The review emphasizes the adverse health outcomes experienced by undocumented migrants, including higher rates of chronic diseases, mental health disorders, and barriers to timely and appropriate healthcare. The authors suggest that healthcare policies should address the unique needs of undocumented migrants to ensure equitable access to healthcare and promote population health.

Impact on Nursing Practice

The findings of this scoping review underline the importance of nursing advocacy and provision of culturally competent care for undocumented migrants. Nurses need to be aware of the challenges faced by undocumented migrants in accessing healthcare and provide support within legal and ethical boundaries. Nurses can contribute to improving healthcare access by collaborating with interprofessional teams, engaging in policy discussions, and advocating for policies that promote equitable healthcare for all individuals, regardless of legal status. Nurses should also focus on addressing the specific health needs of undocumented migrants, such as providing mental health support and addressing chronic diseases through preventive care strategies.

Diversity Awareness and Cultural Competence

To enhance diversity awareness and cultural competence in caring for undocumented migrants, nurses can take several measures. First, nurses should educate themselves about the legal rights and limitations that affect undocumented migrants’ access to healthcare. This knowledge will help nurses provide accurate information and appropriate referrals to support services. Nurses should also cultivate a nonjudgmental and inclusive attitude towards undocumented migrants, ensuring that they feel safe and comfortable seeking healthcare. Collaboration with interpreters and culturally sensitive healthcare organizations can aid in effective communication and the provision of culturally appropriate care. Nurses should also seek opportunities to raise awareness within their healthcare settings about the unique healthcare needs and challenges faced by undocumented migrants to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment.

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