NU-525 Herzing University – Health information systems provide a variety of multi-faceted information to provide organization with the ability to determine areas of strength and weakness.


Health information systems provide a variety of multi-faceted information to provide organization with the ability to determine areas of strength and weakness. Using the Measure Evaluation Health Information System (HIS) Assessment Tools Database (Links to an external site.) website, choose one assessment tool for health information systems from the website for evaluation of the organization you are presently in practice.

Using the tool, assess the organization to the best of your capability.

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NU-525 Herzing University – Health information systems provide a variety of multi-faceted information to provide organization with the ability to determine areas of strength and weakness.
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Provide a summary of your evaluation.

Next, select one standard from the American Nurses Informatics Association and determine the alignment of the organization based on the evaluation information you gathered using the assessment tool.

Provide two QSEN aligned recommendations for the organization to use for improvement of the present health information system.

What data would you use from the evaluation to support or not support alignment with the standard?


To evaluate the organization’s health information system, you can follow these steps:

Assess the current state of the health information system

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system by evaluating its various components, such as data collection, storage, transmission, analysis, and utilization. Consider factors like data accuracy, timeliness, completeness, interoperability, and security.

Identify an ANIA standard

 Choose one of the ANIA standards that is relevant to the health information system (National Academies Press (US), 2004). For example, you could select the standard related to data integrity and security, data interoperability, or decision support systems.

Evaluate alignment with the chosen ANIA standard

 Review the assessment data you collected and analyze how well the organization’s health information system aligns with the selected ANIA standard. Look for areas where the system meets the standard’s requirements and areas where improvements are needed.

Provide a summary of the evaluation

 Summarize your findings, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s health information system in relation to the ANIA standard (El-Khatib et al., 2020). Focus on key areas where improvement is necessary to enhance the system’s alignment with the chosen standard.

Recommend improvements based on QSEN principles

 Consider the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) principles, which emphasize the importance of patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics (Sherwood, 2021). Identify two recommendations that align with the QSEN principles and are relevant to improving the health information system. For example, you could suggest implementing training programs to enhance nurses’ informatics competencies or establishing interdisciplinary collaboration in decision-making processes related to the system.

Provide data to support the alignment with the standard

Utilize the evaluation data you gathered to support your assessment of the organization’s alignment with the chosen ANIA standard. For instance, if the standard pertains to data integrity and security, you can present evidence on the organization’s data security measures, encryption protocols, audit logs, or user access controls.

In conclusion, by conducting a thorough assessment of the organization’s health information system, evaluating its alignment with an ANIA standard, and making recommendations based on QSEN principles, you can identify areas for improvement and enhance the system’s overall effectiveness, efficiency, and quality. Remember to adapt the recommendations to your specific organization’s context and needs.


El-Khatib, Z., Kirk, C. M., Sauer, S. M., Ntawuyirusha, E., Muhire, A., Sayinzoga, F., & Hedt-Gauthier, B. (2020). Health management information system (HMIS) data verification: A case study in four districts in Rwanda. PLOS ONE, 15(7), e0235823. 

National Academies Press (US). (2004). Health Care Data Standards. Patient Safety – NCBI Bookshelf. 

Sherwood, G. (2021). Quality and Safety Education for Nurses: Making progress in patient safety, learning from COVID-19. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8(3), 249–251. 



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