NRS-428 VN Grand Canyon University – This assignment consists of both an interview and a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation. Assessment/Interview Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community.

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This assignment consists of both an interview and a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation.


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NRS-428 VN Grand Canyon University – This assignment consists of both an interview and a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation. Assessment/Interview Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community.
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Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community.

  1. Perform a direct assessment of a community of interest using the “Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide.”
  2. Interview a community health and public health provider regarding that person’s role and experiences within the community.

Interview Guidelines

Interviews can take place in-person, by phone, or by Skype.

Develop interview questions to gather information about the role of the provider in the community and the health issues faced by the chosen community.

Complete the “Provider Interview Acknowledgement Form” prior to conducting the interview. Submit this document separately in its respective drop box.

Compile key findings from the interview, including the interview questions used, and submit these with the presentation.

PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides (slide count does not include title and references slide) describing the chosen community interest.

Include the following in your presentation:

  1. Description of community and community boundaries: the people and the geographic, geopolitical, financial, educational level; ethnic and phenomenological features of the community, as well as types of social interactions; common goals and interests; and barriers, and challenges, including any identified social determinates of health.
  2. Summary of community assessment: (a) funding sources and (b) partnerships.
  3. Summary of interview with community health/public health provider.
  4. Identification of an issue that is lacking or an opportunity for health promotion.
  5. A conclusion summarizing your key findings and a discussion of your impressions of the general health of the community.

This FHP template is to be used for organizing community assessment data in preparation for completion of the topic assignment. Address every bulleted statement in each section with data or rationale for deferral. You may also add additional bullet points if applicable to your community.

  • Value/Belief Pattern
  • Health Perception/Management
  • Nutrition/Metabolic
  • Elimination (Environmental Health Concerns)
  • Activity/Exercise
  • Sleep/Rest
  • Cognitive/Perceptual
  • Self-Perception/Self-Concept
  • Role/Relationship
  • Sexuality/Reproductive
  • Coping/Stress


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