In this scenario, you continue to work for a public health organization that is operating a mobile health intervention unit. The department

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In this scenario, you continue to work for a public health organization that is operating a mobile health intervention unit. The department was awarded a substantial grant to provide a major health intervention program to a community of their choice. Your supervisor asked you to recommend two communities, which you did for your Unit 2 Assignment. The communities you selected were approved for additional review. Now you need to provide descriptive epidemiological data regarding the communities you have chosen. You will need to research each community you have chosen and provide a PowerPoint presentation outlining the contexts and backgrounds of each community.

The presentation should be visually appealing, geared toward a professional audience and should include the following sections:
• A cover slide with your name and presentation title (1 slide)
• A community slide with the name of the community and their location (if it is not a geographically based community indicate that) (1 slide for each community)
• Overview of the community demographics (3-6 slides for each community)
• Describe the makeup and history of the community to provide a context within which to collect data on its current concerns. (3-6 slides for each community)
• Evaluation of the community from a health perspective. What health issues do you suspect? (3-4 slides for each community)
• Reference list
• Each slide should have a clear title indicating the focus of the slide.
• Include speaker notes on each slide. (Speaker notes are notes in the “comments” area of the slide that indicate what you would say when that slide is showing. Think of them as your speech if you were presenting.)
• Organize the presentation so that you present one community fully and then the other.

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In this scenario, you continue to work for a public health organization that is operating a mobile health intervention unit. The department
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