Solution to pollution

  • Introductory paragraph to topic (Pollution).
    • Write an introductory paragraph with at least 150 words that clearly explains the topic, the importance of further research, and ethical implications.
  • Thesis statement.
    • Write a direct and concise thesis statement, which will become the solution to the problem that you will argue or prove in the Week 5 Final Paper.
  • Annotated bibliography.
    • Develop an annotated bibliography to indicate the quality of the sources you have read.
    • Summarize in how the source contributes to the solution of the global societal issue for each annotation.
    • Address fully the purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic
    • Include no less than five scholarly sources in the annotated bibliography that will be used to support the major points of the Final Paper.
    • Demonstrate critical thinking skills by accurately interpreting evidence used to support various positions of the topic.
    • Bibliography should be 1,000 to 1,250 words in length

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