CH 5 Stereoisomer

  1. Which of the following is the definition of chirality?
  2. The non-superposability of an object on its mirror image
  3. The superposability of an object on its mirror image
  4. A molecule that has a carbon atom with four different substituents
  5. A molecule with a mirror image


  1. Which of the following is the correct structure for a compound with the IUPAC name (S)-3-methylheptane.


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CH 5 Stereoisomer
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  1. What is the specific rotation of a sample of carvone that is an equal mixture of the R and S enantiomers (R- carvone has a specific rotation of -61)?



  1. What is the relationship of the following two structures?
  2. Enantiomers
  3. Diastereomers
  4. Constitutional Isomers
  5. Identical


  1. Which of the following can have a meso isomer?



  1. Which of the following is the correct Fischer projection of the following compound?


  1. What is the relationship between the following two molecules?
  2. Enantiomers
  3. Diastereomers
  4. Identical
  5. Constitutional Isomers


  1. Assign the following stereocenter as R or S.


  1. Draw R-2-chlorobutane, and S-2chlorobutane, being sure to do so in a way that the conformation is clear.




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