Article Report

1. Your article report study will include a current business article of your choice. “Current” means not older than one year from the beginning date of the class. This report will be a summary of an article you have selected from a current national news magazine, newspaper, or website.

2. You MUST use the Central Texas College Oveta Culp Hobby Memorial Library to find your articles for the report. They have many online resources for journals, articles, and e-books. If you are having issues searching the library databases, below are a few steps to point you in the right direction:

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  • Click on the link for the library (under Step 2 above).
  • Select “Databases.”
  • Select Business and Economics
  • Select Business Source Complete. (This is just my personal choice. There are others.)
  • Enter your login information.
  • Enter an area of interest that connects to the book. (I love leadership (CH6) and ethics (CH2),
  • Check the box for full text and scholarly (peer reviewed) journals to limit your search options.
  • Select one that you like, understand and have an opinion to write about.

3. Write a three to five sentence summary of the article. You will briefly summarize the article by stating the main points in your own words in a few complete sentences (just enough to capture the gist of the article). DO NOT include your opinion in the summary section of the report. A summary includes only information that is contained in the article–it is not an essay.

4. Write at least a 300-word, double-spaced opinion section about the article. The Article Report should be no longer than 600 words. You should provide your conclusions or opinions about the article. Validate your opinions by citing what the textbook authors write. Your thoughts/opinion should only appear in the opinion section.

5. The report must be in the correct format with all items completed, all information typed. The writing must be correct with regard to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Central Texas College adopted the Modern Language Association formats for use in all classes.

6. You MUST include the link to the working website where you obtained the copy of the article with the completed Article Report.

7. Substantiate your answers with quotations from the text and article, and give a parenthetical citation. The correct format would be (Author, 102). Do not forget to substantiate your answer with direct quotations from the textbook. Do not cite a broad range of pages as the source for the answer. In other words, do not cite pages 33-55; be specific. If there are no summary or text citations, there could be a substantial percent deduction in your grade.

.doc file | APA | Other | 3 pages, Double spaced

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