10 questions environmental health quiz
i need help with these 10 questions environmental health quiz:
1-What is meant by the term environmental policy? Give two examples of environmental policies that have been developed in the United States.
2-Municipal solid waste is not managed in the U.S. by recycling.
3-These types of chemicals can “mimic” hormones and bind to sites intended for hormone binding and cause an inappropriate response.
a.Endocrine disruptors
4-What factors affect the susceptibility of individuals to cancer-causing agents? List 4 factors
5-The following (2) are limitations/weaknesses of the epidemiologic approach.
a.Relatively more expensive
6-Sanitary landfill federal legislation requires the following except:
a.Landfills groundwater must be monitored for specific toxic chemicals
b.Landfills must be monitored 30 years after the closure of the landfill
c.Landfills will have a leachate collection system
d.Landfills do not need liners
7-Why do residents of developing countries suffer more from problems associated with environmental degradation than those who live in developed countries/wealthy nations?
8-________________ is not a criteria air pollutant.
a.Chlorine gas
9-Give three examples of major zoonotic diseases and compare their modes of transmission. Using your own ideas, explain how transmission of these zoonotic diseases might be prevented.
10-Most cancer, in theory is:
a.Caused by smoking
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