Respond to two classmates WK 1 D1

Social Versus Human Capital

This week’s first discussion forum will focus on the population of abused individuals. Abuse is a pervasive problem in our society. Although the forms of abuse, as well as the intensity and duration can vary from case to case, each abused person is tasked with dealing with the scars left from the abuse. As you can imagine, this task can be very challenging to say the least. Using research to help you form an opinion, which form of capital (social or human capital) do you feel will have a greater influence over resources accessible to the abused? Discuss which form of capital you would rely on for emotional support and help through difficult times if abused. Explain your rationale. Chapter 3 of the course text defines these terms in more detail.

Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and at least one other scholarly source. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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Respond to two classmates WK 1 D1
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Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response (minimum of 100 words) to at least two of your peers. Respond to one peer who chose the same form of capital as you and one who chose the opposite form. What are some of the differences and/or similarities between your decisions to choose one form over the other?

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Please respond to two classmates 100 words each*****************************************

Classmate # 1

Kimberly Catchings

Human capital is a “measured by the level of education, employment status, and living conditions” (Burkholder, 2013). With regards to abused individuals, human capital has a greater influence over resources accessible to the abused. People that are abused come from all types of backgrounds. These is a correlation between poverty and abuse. “Abuse increases when the abuser has more education and income than their victim” (Burkholder and Nash, 2013). Human capital directly has an affect on the victim of abuse in these cases. The total extent of child abuse is hard to gauge because so many cases are not reported. Persons that have more money than their victims can use this in order to manipulate them into being silent about the abuse. This tactic is also a part of conditioning the victims over time. When young children experience fear multiple times, they learn to process it through ‘fear conditioning”. This can result in anxiety later on life. Victims that are victimized by a person that is in a “provider” role may feel trapped or like they have no other option. This will cause them to stay in a dangerous living situation even longer (Waters, et al, 2012)

Kimberly Catchings

Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. (2013). Special populations in health care [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

Classmate #2

Julia Iaconis

Looking at both the social and human capital is essential when it comes to which one is the more significant influence over resources accessible to abuse survivors. Human capital is defined as the amount of investment in a person’s potential (Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. 2013, glossary). Social capital is the measurement of personal relationships in an individual’s life (Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. 2013, glossary). Looking at both of these definitions, I would believe that the more influence over this is human capital when it comes to getting the resources. This is measured by the level of completed educations, employment status and position, and living conditions (Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. 2013, Section 3.5, para. 1). I think this is an essential key when it comes to accessibility to resources because it can be challenging to get the help needed for help when it comes to lower-income. This can make it go unknown because the person would need even have access to get the help they need. Abuse can happen to many different socioeconomic levels. Still, it can be challenging to properly get the help the person needs when they have lower education, employment status, and living conditions (Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. 2013, Section 3.5, para. 3). It also is shown when the offender has more education or income; they will pick a victim that does not make it challenging for the person being abused to speak up and get help (Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. 2013, Section 3.5, para. 3). Knowing all this information shows that human capital has a lot to do with getting the help and resources needed to help recover from something this traumatic.

When it comes to getting emotional support through difficult times if abused, I leaning towards more social capital is essential. The reason that I say this is because this has to do with individual relationships. When situations such as abuse happened, the person’s support system can lead the person to get the help they need and not have to feel alone. This type of capital is a sharing of values that will hold people together (Falk, I. 2000, October 18, para. 3). This means that the abused survivor’s support system can help them get to where they need to be. Having something like that happen is a traumatic experience that can lead to many other things, such as covering this up with alcohol or substance abuse. This will make things worse for the person and lead them down a path that would need more help. Having those loved ones or people who know you can make a difference and just knowing that they have someone supporting them when needed.


Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. (2013). Special populations in health care [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

Falk, I. (2000, October 18). Human Capital and Social Capital: What’s the difference? Retrieved December 7, 2020, from…

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