Need question 1 and 2 in different docs with APA citation

Question 1:

Review in 500 words or more the video above called Cloud Security Myths.

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Need question 1 and 2 in different docs with APA citation
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(500-550 words in word document with references 6 years or less old)(Please follow APA format) Please 3 references from journals or books will be appreciated. Write everything in own words.

Question 2:

(1) How do you measure how a public corporation has delivered value for its shareholders? Please use the company that you have selected for your project as an example.

My company for the project is AMERICAN AIRLINES GROUP INC which is listed on NYSE

(500-550 words in word document with references 6 years or less old)(Please follow APA format) Please 3 references from journals or books will be appreciated. Write everything in own words.

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