Chemistry homework

1. What is your assigned unknown number? Estimate the identity of your unknown given the data in the standard solution and the data for your unknown number. How are you making this estimation?

2. Estimate the concentration of your unknown given the concentration of the check standard solution and the data for your unknown number. How are you making this estimation?

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3.Given the concentrations of the stock solutions given in the supplied data files, describe how you would prepare standard solutions that contains approximately 25% and 50% the estimated concentration of your unknown.

4. Given the concentrations of the stock solutions given in the supplied data files, describe how you would prepare standard solutions that contains approximately 125% and 150% the estimated concentration of your unknown.

5. Do you think that the concentrations yielded will be more or less accurate for the calculations using the 4 point curve based on the standards you would have prepared from #’s 3 and 4 above as compared with the concentration that you calculated in #2 above? Why?

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