Position essay

Use the feedback you have received from me to finalize the draft of your position essay. While you will be graded using the same rubric as in the earlier draft, the final draft must reflect the comments and suggestions from the first draft.

Format: You must clearly annunciate the position you are arguing while also balancing it with counterarguments.

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Position essay
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Please state your position clearly, which is reasonable, supportable and worthy of being taken seriously.

Provide adequate background information so your readers can understand what is being argued.

Provide valid reasons to back up your position. Provide convincing evidence will help with your reasoning.

Appeal to your readers’ emotions to gain their sympathy. At the same time, employ a trustworthy tone so your arguments withstand the test of time. Facts help toward this goal.

Carefully consider counterarguments to your position to account for readers who may not agree with you.

Research: Please be sure to research your topic to find evidence in support of your position. Use at least five resources, three of which have to be academic, newspaper, or journals. While emotional appeals will win over your audience, credibility will sustain them Credibility may also help you convince people who may not agree with you.

Incorporating comments and suggestions: Your final draft must reflect comments and suggestions provided by the instructor.

Essay conventions: Use thesis statements and topic sentences. Use transitions to lead your readers through the argument.

Standard spelling, grammar, punctuation, and MLA citation: Please be sure to use formal conventions of grammar and syntax.


Arguing a Position – Final Draft
Arguing a Position – Final Draft
Criteria Ratings Pts


60.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

60.0 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Research: Use at least five resources, three of which have to be academic, newspaper, or journals.

20.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

20.0 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Essay conventions: Use thesis statements and topic sentences. Use transitions to lead your readers through the argument.

10.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

10.0 pts



10.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

10.0 pts


Total Points: 100.0

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