judicial review with advice to a virtual client

Question is being provided in form of picture you will find ahead.
REQUIREMENTS OF THE WRITTEN ADVICE – other than that set out below there
is no prescribed format for the Written Advice:
 The Written Advice is not a formal barrister’s opinion and does not have to be written
in a prescribed format.
 You must refer to relevant legal principles and case law with correct OSCOLA
referencing (see below).
 Your student number and name must appear at the front of the Written Advice.
 Your coursework must be formatted in Arial font size 12 (minimum) and double line
 The word limit for the Written Advice is 750 words minimum and 1000 words
maximum. The exact number of words used must be stated at the end of the Written
Advice. False word counts will be treated as academic misconduct. Material which
exceeds the word limit will not be read or marked and will not be awarded any credit.
 The 750 word limit is an absolute minimum and 1000 word limit is an absolute
 The word count must exclude footnotes PROVIDED ALL footnotes contain
references ONLY. If ANY footnote contains any material other than references, ALL
footnotes MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE WORD COUNT. References must be
OSCOLA compliant.

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