Jarir bookstore

Introduction: The strategic analysis report and presentation for this course requires each group to produce a Case Study Analysis. Students are expected to use concepts from different lectures to answer questions about their chosen company.


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You have been hired as a consultant at the company you have chosen. This report is an in-depth look at the strategy and corporate management based on your research. Your analysis of the case study should be treated as a problem presented to you for analysis and decision recommendations. Hence, it should demonstrate the qualities of thorough and relevant research, logically sound analysis, and focused, professional writing.


You are expected to demonstrate your own creativity, critical thinking, and analysis based on strong argumentation that blends theory and practice. This is an academic piece of work with a strong element of creativity: the creative thought that has gone into presenting the information is as important as the content itself. Therefore, every claim you make needs to be justified and supported by academic and professional references: you should use minimum of 15 academic and professional sources (books, newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, blogs, etc.) from the last three years.



Assignment Structure: Your Case Study Analysis is a 4,000 (+/- 10%) words assignment in a report format and should be structured as follows:

Title Page.
Table of Contents.
1.0 Introduction (250 words/ +/- 10%): It should contain the following subsections:

Introductory Note: Present topic and objectives of assignment, a summary of your findings, and structure of report.


2.0 Company’s General Information (250 words/ +/- 10%):

General background information + Mission and Vision


3.0 Analysis (3000 words/ +/- 10%):
3.1 Environmental Analysis: It should contain the following subsections:

3.1.1 External Environment (750 words/ +/- 10%): Identify and analyze specific opportunities and threats through applying the Five-Forces Framework and incorporating PESTEL analysis.


3.1.2 Internal Environment (750 words/ +/- 10%): Analyze each one separately through SWOT Analysis and Value Chain




4.0 Recommendations & Conclusion (500 words/ +/- 10%): It should contain the following subsections:
4.1 Recommendations (300 words/ +/- 10%): Provide structure for your recommendations: for business-level, corporate level and/or international strategies
4.2 Conclusion (200 words/ +/- 10%): Summarize your findings in analysis and your proposals in Recommendations
5.0 References.
6.0 Appendices (optional): Here you can include any tables / graphs / data / information that you feel is relevant to the report, yet not essential to the discussion.








The other 10% of the report will be marked based on the overall quality of the following criteria:

  Poor Reasonable Good Weightage


  0-1 2-3 4-5    
1- Sentences, Paragraphs structure, length and grammatical accuracy §  Sentences are often too short or too long, and lack variety in length and complexity

§  Paragraphs are used, but they may not stay on topic, or they may be too short or long.

§  Noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur, but it is clear what the writer is trying to express.

§  The text contains frequent spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors

§  Sentences are clear but may lack variety in length and complexity.

§  Paragraphs are used logically and stay on topic.

§  Good grammatical control; occasional “slips” or non-systematic errors and minor flaws in sentence structure or word form may still occur, but they are rare.

§  The text contains some spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors

§  Sentences are well balanced, promote readability, and vary in length and complexity

§  Paragraphs are used accurately to promote communication and stay on topic.

§  Consistently maintains high degree of grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult to spot.

§  The text contains no or very few spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors.

2- Cohesion and Coherence §  Ideas and arguments are not well organized or tend to be disconnected.

§  Paragraphs are used, but they may not stay on topic, or they may be too short or long.

§  Report sections are poorly connected

§  Ideas and arguments are logically organized although there may be some incoherence, jumping or breaks in the flow

§  Paragraphs are used logically and stay on topic

§  Report sections are reasonably connected

§  Ideas and arguments are logically organized, and the text is coherent

§  Paragraphs are used accurately to promote communication and stay on topic

§  Report sections are highly   connected

3- Referencing §  There are (if any) limited references.

§  In accurate in-text citation and Bibliography

§  Used 5 to 10 academic and professional sources

§  Fair attempts to write accurate in-text citation and Bibliography

§  Used more than 15 recent academic and professional sources.

§  Accurate in-text citation and Bibliography

30 %  
Total Points    




Assignment Presentation: Your report must be typed and properly presented:

  • Word limit: 4000 (+/- 10%). Word Count does not include Title Page, Table of Contents, References, and Appendices;
  • Font size 12 (Times New Roman / Arial);
  • Line space (double spaced)


Assignment Referencing: Referencing: A full referencing of all the texts which have been sourced in the text of the presentation should be included. The reference list should be produced in alphabetical order and all the details of the source should be given, i.e., the author/s name/s, the date, the title, the publisher, and where it was published if a book, and the number, volume and page number if an article. The citation style for this course is APA style. This website will help in citing the sources http://www.citethisforme.com/


Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.  If you want to use someone’s else work, it should be referenced and paraphrased in a proper way to match the content of your presentation.  You can’t take direct quotes unless you put apostrophes around the sentence. It should not exceed 3 quotes in the total presentation. The direct quotes must not exceed 3-5% of your total content. Usually the direct quote should not exceed 2 lines. You should paraphrase more than depend heavily on direct quotes. Content with plagiarism will be marked as FAIL.

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