Hospitality Company Financial Analysis
HMGT 618 – Uniform Systems for the Hospitality Industry
Team Project: Assignment B
Hospitality Company Financial Analysis
Each team will:
- Track the financial performance of their assigned hospitality company over the most recent three years
- Assess its financial strength
iii. Discuss the major financial challenges that the company faces and propose strategies for addressing these issues.
- Obtain financial performance data (from annual and other reports) for the most recent three years.
- Compute key financial and operating ratios for these three years:
- Revenue growth
- Earnings growth
- Current ratio
- Operating Cash Flow to Current Liabilities ratio
- Solvency ratio
- Debt-Equity ratio
- Property and Equipment ratio
- Total Asset Turnover ratio
- Profit Margin
- Return on Equity
- Earnings per Share
- Price Earnings ratio
- Key hospitality-specific ratios
- Assess the financial strength of the company: Provide a rating (1= very weak, 10 = very strong) with explanations:
- Growth potential (revenue, earnings)
- Liquidity
- Solvency
- Activity
- Profitability
- Investor
- Hospitality-specific ratios
- Overall financial strength
- Discuss the major financial challenges the company faces and your proposed strategies to address challenges.
Due date: Thursday April 30, 2020
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