Consulting report

MBA 663

Canadian and International Business Law

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Consulting report
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This is part two of your study of a global legal system. Your team must submit a well organized and professional consulting report. The report should be no longer than 25 pages (double spaced) plus appendices.




Your team has been hired as consultants by the ABC Manufacturing Company, a successful Canadian company. ABC is planning to open a factory in (your team’s country). The CEO is very nervous about the legal system in that country and asks you to provide a full consulting report on the legal system of that country. You can select the topics you believe are of most importance, however, the list provided for your presentation may be helpful.




The report is worth 25% of your overall course evaluation. A high quality of research and writing is expected. You will be evaluated on both the strength of your team’s research and the quality of writing and presentation.





IMPORTANT;: my part is expaind the court system and the legal system and the cultural/historical impact on that system in Russia, so you only need to focus on this part.

if you have any question, contect me at 9AM – 11PM Vancouver time (GMT-8)

im want a solid paper with the similarity lower than 10% and i dont have much time to redo the mistake.

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