A start- up company called Medick has been developing a new product for hand held computers that will revolutionize the way nurses keep track of their hospitalized patients. The device will save nurses a great deal of time doing routine paperwork, reduce their stress levels, and enable them to spend more time with their patients. Medick’s sales force has led the hospital administrators to believe the product will be available next week as originally scheduled. Unfortunately, the package still contains a few bugs. All of the bugs appear to be minor, but some of the planned tests have not yet been performed. Because of the fierce competition in the medical software industry, it is critical that this company be the first to market. It appears a well-established company will release a similar product in a few weeks. If that product appears first, Medick will probably go out of business. Represent one of these groups: software engineers programming the device; the sales force promoting the device; or the managers of Medick. Plan a course of action and defend your position using ethical theories, articles and the ACM Code of Ethics. (Quinn,Ethics for the Information Age)

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