Christianity’s Control on the Societies in the novelsHomegoing a

I provided a document with detailed instructions.

The essay should analyze the effect of Christianity on the African communities/characters in the novel Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi and The Joys of Motherhood by Buchi Emecheta Along with analyzing quotes from the novel, use research evidence to support your analysis. Create a traditional thesis of 1 argument and 3 supporting points. (on top of the book, you need to use at least 3 scholarly sources. that is 4 total sources)

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Christianity’s Control on the Societies in the novelsHomegoing a
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In the document I provided, I included some questions and points of interest related to the topic of Christianity. Those questions are only meant to guide the writer on developing a working thesis that can be argued, supported, and analyzed (you do not have to include every aspect of the topic I provided).

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