Article Critique



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Article Critique
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The Article Critique assignment should be completed using the outline below.  Download the file named Template for Article Critique Assignmentand type your answers into that Word document.  Maximum of two single-spaced pages, 1” margins, 12 pt font. Save the file with your responses. Put your name on the title page. Save the file as “YOUR NAME Article Critique.”


You will receive the article you will use for the article critique approximately one week before it is due.


When completing this assignment,

  • DO NOT: provide definitions of the terms you use. For example, if a quota sampling plan was used, just state that this was the sampling plan without giving a definition of what a quota sampling plan is.
  • DO NOT: quote from Rubin & Babbie or other books on research methods when stating the strengths and weaknesses of the methods. Instead, use your own words to answer these questions.

You do not need to write in full sentences. A short answer is fine, as long as it is clear.  See the short example on the last page of this document AND the files providing an example of a full critique: EXAMPLE OF ARTICLE CRITIQUE: HEYMAN & GUTHEIL ARTICLE and the article itself: Heyman & Gutheil. Older Latinos’ attitudes toward and comfort with EOL planning. Health & SW. 2010.

There is no need to include in-text citations and references for this assignment because: 1) this  is an exercise and not a paper that you are writing; and 2) I assume that you are basing all of your responses on Rubin & Babbie, the lectures, and any other research text that you consult (although consulting additional texts is not necessary).  Since you will not be using quotes, but instead will be paraphrasing and stating things in your own words, the usual need to give the page number for a quote is not relevant.

(For anything other than a class exercise,  for which you are instructed that you not need to use citations, always assume that you should use a citation for quotes and for attribution of findings, conclusions, or ideas that are taken from sources that you consulted.)


  1. List the study aim(s).


  1. Study Design
    1. Name the study design:
    2. Briefly describe the study design (including the intervention, if any) (maximum of 1 or 2 sentences):
    3. Strengths (including how threats to internal validity were addressed):
    4. Weaknesses (including threats to internal validity that were not dealt with and how they may affect findings):


  1. Sample
    1. What is the target population?
    2. What is the study population?
      1. Was study pop. appropriate? Why or why not?
    3. What is the sample size?
    4. Eligibility criteria:
      1. What were the inclusion criteria, if any?
      2. What were the exclusion criteria, if any?
    5. What sampling frame, if any, was used?
      1. What were the strengths and limitations of the sampling frame?
    6. Was a probability or nonprobabilty sampling plan used?
    7. What is the name of the sampling plan that was used (e.g., quota sampling).
    8. What is the response rate?
    9. Strengths (how threats to external validity were addressed):
    10. Weaknesses: (threats to external validity that were not addressed and how this might affect generalizability of the findings to the target population?


  1. Measures
    1. List the independent variable(s) in this study.
    2. Give the operational definition for one of the independent variables.
    3. List the dependent variable(s) in this study.
    4. Give the operational definition for one of the dependent variables.
    5. List the other variables in this study.
    6. Based on the study aims, what are the strengths of measurement in this study? This may include the choice of measures and/or how the measures were operationalized.
    7. Based on the study aims, what are the weaknesses of measurement in this study? This may include the choice of measures and/or how the measures were operationalized.


  1. Data collection methods
    1. How were the data collected?
    2. Based on the study aims, what are the strengths of how the data were collected?
    3. Based on the study aims, what are the weaknesses of how the data were collected?



Not Competent


Developing Competency

C or C+


B- to B+

Advanced Competence

A- or A

Answered most of the questions incorrectly. Provided answers to the questions about strengths and weaknesses that demonstrated almost no grasp of study methods. Answered less than the half of the questions correctly. Provided answers to the questions about strengths and weaknesses that demonstrated a weak grasp of study methods. Answered a majority of the questions correctly. Provided answers to the questions about strengths and weaknesses that demonstrated a good grasp of study methods. Answered all or almost all of the questions correctly. Provided answers to the questions about strengths and weaknesses that demonstrated a strong grasp of study methods.





Example (based on a fictitious study)


  1. Study Design
  2. Name the study design: case-control study
  3. Briefly describe the study design (including the intervention, if any) (maximum of 1 or 2 sentences):  Cases were children with cleft palate and controls were children without a congenital abnormality
  4. What were the main threats to internal validity, and how were they addressed?

1st threat:  maturation, which was addressed by following the cases and controls for the same amount of time

2nd threat:  statistical regression, which was addressed by waiting until six months after diagnosis to enroll the cases in order to not select those with unusually high stress levels

  1. Which ones were not adequately dealt with, and how might they affect the interpretation of the findings?

Selection bias: instrumentation – the mothers of the cases were interviewed in person and the mothers of the controls completed a self-administered questionnaire, this might have resulted in a greater tendency for socially desirable responses from the mothers of the cases, which could have resulted in more positive ratings about the health ca

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