Performance review of a live, televised or internet based concert

The writing component of this course is a 500-750 word performance review of a live, televised or internet based concert or music theatre production that you (the student) must attend or view during the semester in which the course is taken. The grade is based entirely upon the paper. This is 20% of the semester grade.


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Performance review of a live, televised or internet based concert
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This is a review not a critique. Descriptions of the performance are appropriate, criticism of performers is not appropriate.


Important components of performance reviews include but are not limited to:


Title of Show or concert,

Who performed

The name of the conductor if there is one

If a stage production who were the lead characters and who played them

Where was event presented (the performance venue)

Level of performance: Collegiate, community, professional

Date of performance, broadcast or when was the film made

Provide a brief synopsis or description of the performance (A Synopsis requires a source and appropriate citation)

What were the highlights

What did you like or not like about the performance and why

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