First think about what you want to succeed at in your professional life


TOPIC (professors exact response and demands) In “What Do We Deserve,” Namit Arora discusses 3 models of economic justice to question the narrative that we deserve our economic position in life. Arora encourages Americans to reject the narrative that those who succeed did so primarily on merit and those who fail just could not compete. Given your understanding of America and its capitalistic society, what determines your success in America? First think about what you want to succeed at in your professional life, then state what is it you must do to ensure that success. Explain your answer in a 2-page essay. Use Arora’s text to support your thesis. Submission Requirements my professor is demanding All drafts should be double spaced, be typed in Times New Roman 12-Point font, and have 1-inch margins. Your final draft must be 2 pages long. If your last sentence does not end on page 3, then you will not have met page length, and your paper will be returned ungraded. You need one quote in every body paragraph. Quote only from Arora’s text. All drafts should be in MLA style. Be sure to properly cite all direct quotations and ideas that are paraphrased.

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First think about what you want to succeed at in your professional life
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