Black Hawk’s Life of Black Hawk Edited by J. Gerald Kennedy

This is not an actual essay its a outline for my essay. I have a thesis already and this one has to be used. There cannot be actual quotes of the book but there has to be paraphrasing of a page and have page citations.
Below is my thesis:

Class was profoundly significant in the Frontier West in the early 19th century among natives, among whites, and between the races, as seen in Black Hawk’s Life of Black Hawk.

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Black Hawk’s Life of Black Hawk Edited by J. Gerald Kennedy
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Below is the full assignment:

Submit a well structured outline of the evidence you will use to prove your thesis. You must supply the page number in your copy of Black Hawk’s or Harriet Jacobs’s autobiography for each piece of evidence. In order to have enough evidence to prove each of your points, I would expect you will need between 12 and 15 pieces of evidence. Evidence does not mean quotations. Instead, give the details from the text which prove the point your are making. Be sure to begin your outline with your thesis, and state each of your three points before giving the evidence that supports it. I recommend you use the outline method we use in taking notes.

I. (Your complete thesis)

A. (The first point in your thesis)

1. (A piece of evidence which supports your first point with page number where you found it)

2. (A second piece of evidence with page number)

3. (A third piece…)

4. (A fourth piece…)

B. (The second point in your thesis)

1. (A piece of evidence which supports your second point, with page number)

2. (I think you get it…)

You should organize your points from weakest to strongest, so that you will end on a high point. As a result, you will likely have more and better evidence supporting your second and third points.

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