Research Margaret Sanger’s ideas about religion

Many celebrate Margaret Sanger as an advocate for women’s rights and birth control; Sanger founded the Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood. She currently holds a space in the “Struggle for Justice” exhibit at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, which is dedicated to those of the past who were “champions of justice.”

Using the provided sources, research Margaret Sanger’s ideas about religion, race, and eugenics, and evaluate Sanger’s impact on the African American experience, Christianity in America, and her lasting legacy on American History.

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Research Margaret Sanger’s ideas about religion
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Sources include: (Source links are also in blackboard under the Week 5 Reading and Study Folder.)

1. Margaret Sanger, interviewed by Mike Wallace. Harry Ransom Center. September 21, 1957.


2. “Margaret Sanger,” Culture of Life Studies Program,


3. Margaret Sanger, “Letter to Dr. C.J. Gamble,” December 10, 1939, Smith College Libraries,


4. Margaret Sanger, “The Function of Sterilization,” October 1926, Papers of Margaret Sanger, New York University,


5. “Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood: The Eugenics Connection,” National Right to Life News, July 2004.|A124172824&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon


6. The Margaret Sanger Papers Project, “Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project,” Newsletter 28, Fall 2001,

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