My life story

We have discussed and/or read about a whole range of theories to better conceptualize and think through childhood. We have also read and screened films about,and discussed “real life stories” of people – children, thinking about their childhood, and experiencing childhood. In your final paper, I want you to use your own life story as a “case study, think about your childhood and life story so far, I want you to write up a coherent narrative about part of your life story. However, I don’t just want you to tell your story. I want you to analyze it through the use of the theories we have discussed. I want you to make sense of your life not as just you but as part of a larger social system. Depending on what stands out to you in your own story, you will choose a theory to discuss it. See below for possible topics and guiding questions.


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My life story
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Examples & Guiding Questions:


Is a critical part of your story immigration, an unimagined childhood, peer pressure, student mothering? Should you think about your life using feminist or critical race theory? How might the theory of cultural/social capital help you make sense of your job or the career and college degree you want?

Guiding Questions:

1. How did this event construct your perception of your childhood?

2. Reflecting on course discussions what institutions influenced this this event?

3. How did culture/religion influence the manner in which the event unfolded & was later interpreted by you as an adult?


Your paper should be a story/narrative with citations. It is also a complete paper, written with an introduction and conclusion.

Total number of pages 10 -12.

Paper should be double spaced, 1inch margins, 12pt Times New Roman font. Stapled. I will take off 5 (out of 20) points for not following these directions

Use quotations from readings with correct citation “I said something important here” (Last Name 2016:131).

Use notes from class lecture and discussion – cite these as (Class Notes February 7, 20189)

I have uploaded all the documents needed feel free to use any.

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