Cas9 for cancer research and therapy
CRISPR/Cas9 for cancer research and therapy
CRISPR/Cas9 has become a powerful method for making changes to the genome of many organisms. CRISPR/Cas9 and modified versions have found a widespread use to engineer genomes and to activate or to repress the expression of genes. As such, CRISPR/Cas9 promises to accelerate cancer research by providing an efficient technology to dissect mechanisms of tumorigenesis, identify targets for drug development, and possibly arm cells for cell-based therapies.
After reading the article- Answer the following questions:
i) What is Bioinformatics? How are Bioinformatics resources useful to design sgRNAs for CRISPR -associated Experiments? Give specific examples of such a design
ii) What is a Target discovery? How is this accomplished? What is the significance of such a screen in Cancer Therapy?
iii) What is a Lentivirus? What is the significance of Lentivirus in screening approaches?
iv) What is domain screening? What is the significance of domain screening in cancer therapy?
v) What are Novel screening approaches? What are gene knockouts
vi) What is the significance of gene knockouts using CRISPR/Cas9
vii) How is genome editing done to generate Organoid Cancer models
viii) How is CRISPR/Cas9 delivered? How is in vivo gene editing different from in vitro screening?
ix) What are clinical applications of genome editing?
x) Name a specific CRISPR/cas9 therapeutic tool that made world headlines that is discussed in this article and how was it done?
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