Bottle of Lies, the Inside Story of the Gen
What do you think is/ are the ethical issue(s) discussed in the book?
Did the companies and regulatory agencies consider the needs, health and safety of the public?
Did the companies and regulatory agencies act with the highest standards of honesty and integrity?
Define the core values of the organizations discussed in the book. Did they adhere to their core values?
Based on what you read, why do you think ethical people sometimes make unethical decisions?
Writing Assignment Grading Rubric
Introduction (30 Points)
Write clear statement of the ethical issue(s)
State your position on the issue(s)
your writing should be clear and correctly articulated
Provide your justification for why you have chosen this position
your writing should be clear and correctly articulated
Next paragraph (s) (50 Points)
Provide creditable evidence to support your position on this issue
provide an accurate citation of your sources
Your writing should provide a distinct and sound reasoning pattern
your writing should be clear and correctly articulated
Use the ethical principles and theories provided in the lectures and your evidence to help support your chosen position
your writing should be clear and correctly articulated
Conclusion (20 Points)
Use persuasion to support your position by appealing to the readers’ emotions
your writing should be clear and correctly articulated
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