What kind of reparations would be meaningful to the victims

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What kind of reparations would be meaningful to the victims
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Peer Evaluation for Research Essay


Is this paper at least 5 paragraphs in length? Yes/No Is the paper at least 3 FULL pages long? Yes/No
Is there a works cited page with at least 5 sources? Yes/No
Is the entire paper double spaced, including the works cited page? Yes/No
Is there a page number on all pages? Yes/No
Are the margins approximately one inch? Yes/No
Does the font look to be about Times New Roman Font 12? Yes/No



Does the introduction attempt to deal with a larger cultural or theoretical issue? Yes/No (If the first sentence of the paper mentions the primary text, circle no)
Is there an identifiable thesis in first paragraph? Yes/No If yes, what is it? ____________
Is the thesis declarative, controversial, and verifiable? Yes/No
Now try to identify three reasons that the paper uses to support that thesis:
II. _____________________________________________________________________
III. _____________________________________________________________________


Are these three points parallel in structure? Yes/No Do they appear as the topic sentences for the body paragraphs? Yes/No
Do these three main points directly support the thesis? (Yes/No) In other words, do they directly further their thesis or do they just summarize the text or go off on a tangent?
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being poor and 10 being excellent), how well does the evidence presented in the paragraphs back up those main points? _____________
Does the paper make an attempt to explain why the topic is relevant in the conclusion? If yes, what is the “so what” of the argument? ____________________________________


List the last name for every scholar mentioned in the paper:_______________ __________________ ____________________ ________________________
Now look at the works cited page. Are all authors mentioned here? Yes/No
Do any names appear in the works cited page that are not quoted in the paper? Yes/No (If yes, then list their names here: ___________________________)
Do you notice any MLA errors in in-text citations or in the bibliography? Yes/No If yes, list them here: ____________________________________________________________
Do the secondary sources mentioned in the works cited page appear to be scholarly? (From peer reviewed journals or books that cite their sources) Yes/No



On a scale of 1-10, how clear are the paper’s ideas? ___________
What aspects of the paper could be clearer (list pages and paragraph #s)? _____________
On a scale of 1-10, how well does the paper read? ____________
How smooth are the integrations of quotations and paraphrases (1-10)? ____________
Do you notice any major errors in punctuation or mechanics? Yes/No. If yes, list them here along with their page and paragraph number. (Look specifically for fragments, comma splices, fused sentences, comma errors, apostrophe errors, capitalization errors, subject verb agreement, pronoun, antecedent agreement and other errors that could seriously affect communication.)_____________________________________________
Now look for style issues. Do you notice excessive use of broad pronouns (there is, there are), weak verbs (am is are was were etc.) or passive voice? (to be verb + past tense verb)? Yes/No If yes list the page/s and paragraph #s where they occur. ________________________________________________________________________
Do you notice areas that are very wordy? Yes/No. If so, where are they? _____________
Does the paper make an effort to use a variety of sentence structures? Yes/No
Do you notice any lapses in tone/level of formality? _____________________________

What other improvements could be made in this paper? _________________________________



If you were grading this paper, what grade would you give it? ____________________________

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