The impacts of blockchain technology on business models of the payment

Deliverable: Your dissertation is a 10,000-word research paper on your chosen topic as agreed with your supervisor. Please follow the generic structure below:
• Executive summary – not included in word count (write last, but don’t forget)
• Introduction – reworked based on the comments that you have received for the draft literature review and the draft dissertation (1000 words)
• Literature Review – reworked based on the comments that you have received for the draft literature review and the draft dissertation (3000 words)
• Method – reworked based on the comments that you have received for the draft literature review and the draft dissertation (1500 words)
• Results – reworked based on the comments that you have received for the draft literature review and the draft dissertation (1500 words)
• Discussion – Critically discuss your results and relate them to previous research on the topic, discuss theoretical and practical implications of your findings, acknowledge limitations of your research, provide suggestions for future research and conclude (2500 words)
• Conclusion (500 words)
• References (in Harvard style) – Approximate: 1000 words = 1 page Harvard Referencing
• Appendix: for survey studies: include the questionnaire (or screenshots of online survey) including introduction with information about the study; for interview studies: include the interview protocol including informed consent form; in addition, the appendix may include pictures, further analysis, etc.) – not included in word count

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The impacts of blockchain technology on business models of the payment
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