Research on new emerging trends of supply chain management

You are required to prepare a report on a selected trend. It is strongly recommended that you read (and you may cite and use) the various articles on this page:

Your report should include five parts:
Part I
Identify five new emerging trends which will significantly impact the supply chains, operations, and logistics systems.
Provide a short description and background on each, and explain their impacts.

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Research on new emerging trends of supply chain management
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Part II
Select one of the trends from Part I and identify three Australian or multinational industries that will be affected by this trend. Explain and justify why you selected that trend, including the potential strategic threats and opportunities for the identified industries’ supply chains. Briefly explain how these industries and their current in-place strategies will be impacted by the selected emerging trend.

Part III
Select one of the industries from Part II and describe the supply chain strategies and structure for it. Explain how that selected industry’s supply chain strategies will be affected by the selected trend in Part II.
You are expected to deeply discuss how the single chosen trend will impact the strategies and operational systems of the selected industry/business sector. You are expected to highlight at least two opportunities and two threats which will probably emerge in the under-study industry/business sector in the presence of the selected trend.

Part IV
Introduce two (2) specific strategies and/or solutions to maximize the benefits and minimize the damages from this trend for the selected industry.
Following your analysis and based on the data, interviews, reports, and any other accessible valid recourses you are expected to explain how the selected industry/business sector should revise their strategies in order to maximize their benefits from the potential opportunities identified before (resulted by the selected emerging trend) and minimize the negative impacts of the identified threats (resulted by the selected emerging trend).
Your idea must include a two proposed strategies/plans/directions to be followed by the industry/business sector.

Part V
Explain the limitations and constraints of your research project. Conclude your projects by providing managerial insights, discussions and a summary of your project.

While your experience and views are the essential components of your assignments, the appropriate use of literature is required to provide evidence-based suggestions. A critical review of literature is required and you need to include appropriate citations of references (Preferably company annual report, consultative report, journal articles, etc.).

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