Reaction Paper Sociology 15

Sociology 15

Reaction Papers: You are expected to read all material and prepare a reaction paper of 1-2 full pages (min. 800 to 1200 words) for each reading assignment. These papers should include a brief summary of the article (1-2 paragraphs) and then your analysis on the material and in particular how it relates to your life. These are brief papers that first summarize the reading and then provide a space for you to reflect on how it relates to you personally or professionally.

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Reaction Paper Sociology 15
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Topic 15: Economics & Politics


Ch. 17 Govt & Politics in Introduction to Sociology

Ch. 18 Work & the Economy in Introduction to Sociology


1. Compare different types of economic systems.
2. Identify the components of change in the contemporary global economy.
3. Identify the different organizational components of the workplace.
4. Explain the conditions affecting diverse groups in the workplace.
5. Compare and contrast sociological theories of work.
6. Compare different types of political systems.
7. Define different forms of power and authority and the organization of bureaucracies.
8. Analyze patterns of political participation.
9. Comprehend the organization of the military as a social institution.

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