Digital Marketing– Case Brief

Digital Marketing– Case Brief


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Digital Marketing– Case Brief
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Last year ScotRail carried almost 99 million passenger journeys in Scotland, covering over 1.8 billion passenger miles and a network of over 1,782 track miles. There are 359 stations and 800 trains serving Scotland’s Railway. Pre COVID-19 pandemic annual journeys totalled 95million. Journey purpose splits into:

Business 13%

Commute 39%

Leisure 47%

You can find out more about ScotRail on its website –




  • Providing the best railway service Scotland has ever had
  • Increase passenger numbers within all markets for Commuter, Leisure, and Business
  • Making rail the most efficient and greenest way for people to travel longer distances


The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has had a causal effect on the unprecedented rise in the use of bicycles and cycling within the UK and beyond. Global shortages of bikes have been reported, and studies have confirmed that cycling in the UK is up 300% (in 2020) over the previous year. Many cities are reporting high increases in cycling. In recognition of this, the Scottish government has invested £30million in temporary footpaths and cycle lanes during the COVID-19 pandemic and plans to make these permanent.




ScotRail has been unable to run any significant digital marketing campaigns during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Propose a digital marketing campaign plan for ScotRail so that it can gain participation from 1,500 passengers across Scotland that will see them combining train and bicycle travel to make their business, commuter, or leisure journeys. These can be current train passengers or those who have previously used their car to make journeys. The campaign will run for two months (November 2020 to December 2020) and convertto participation from 1,500 passengers between January 15, 2021 to February 15, 2021.


Your budget is £60,000.





Digital Marketing– IndividualAssignment
Semester 1


Develop anIndividual Assignment based on the Case Brief. This year’s Case Brief is about ScotRail.


Objective of the Individual Assignment:


The primary objective of the Individual Assignment will be:


Proposing a digital marketing campaign for ScotRail so that it can gain participation from 1,500 passengers across Scotland that will see them combining train and bicycle travel to make their business, commuter, or leisure journeys. These can be current train passengers or those who have previously used their car to make journeys. The campaign will run for two months (November 2020 to December 2020) and convertto participation from 1,500 passengers by January 31, 2021.


Your budget is £60,000.


Word Limit


The limit for the Individual Assignment is 2,000 words (+ or – 10%).


Components of the Individual Assignment report and the marks assigned:


Title page
Table of Contents
Abstract [5 marks]


Campaign Plan (CP) [40 marks]


-Customer Analysis

– Digital Marketing Strategy

– Media and Marketing Mix

– Campaign Plan for Digital Media


KPIs, Recommended Measurement & Budget [30 marks]


Creative Strategy with sample creative material [20 marks]


References& In-text citations[5 marks]


One Appendix per page and not more than 4 pages (i.e., maximum of 4 Appendices). Additional appendices will draw penalty in marks.




The individual report should be research-informed. Students should use cutting-edge secondary research in the form of extant literature review, databases (Statista, Passport, etc.), trade journals, online magazines and newspapers (like Fortune, Forbes, etc.), and other online sources. Do not engage in Primary data collection (e.g., surveys and interviews). Citations/ references should not be based on Wiki, Blogs, Vlogs, etc.



Formatting Style:


The assignment should be word processed, with 1.5 line spacing, a font of no
less than 12 point and 2.5 cm margins on all four sides. All pages should be
numbered consecutively.In addition to these requirements you should also make sure you understandadditional guidance on academic writing, referencing and plagiarism providedas part of your programme of study.Note that plagiarism is a serious offence that can lead to you failing the module and your suspension from studies.

















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