Analytic paper

The final paper should be 8-9 pages in length and is an opportunity for you to explore an ethical / social issue or dilemma through the lens of secular ethics. The paper is not a research paper, but rather a synthetic / analytic paper meant to synthesize class material. You are certainly encouraged to use outside sources that may supplement your topic, but it is not necessary. You may also choose to do focus on a personal topic related to your own life experience, as long as it critically integrates / applies relevant course material (with references and citations) in a balanced manner with personal and academic. To be considered to receive a maximum score, the paper must include a minimum of 4 course concepts critically applied to your ethical / social issue, dilemma (or personal life experience topic). A Final Paper Rubric will be posted in your Content Folder. Final paper will be due in Week 11. It is required that you have your topic approved by Week 8 at the latest.

Note: if you are not a strong writer, you may be required to work through the Writing Lab for your final paper, in which case you will need a signature from the Writing Lab.

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Note: I do know that English courses use MLA style for their writing, but some of you as Nutrition, Psychology, or Business majors use APA. That is fine with me as long as you tell me what style you use for your major. If you are not a strong writer, you may be required to work through the Writing Lab for your final paper, in which case you will need a signature from the Writing Lab.

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