Analysis paper

For your final project, you will be asked to use the tools you have learned throughout the semester to analyze a piece of music. Each of the topics we have discussed in class will appear in the assigned musical selection. The format of your project will be similar to a final paper; each paragraph will be dedicated to a particular music theory topic. Each paragraph in your project should address the following details:•Time/Key Signature and Rhythm •What are the time and key signatures? •Discuss what types of rhythms are used (min. 5 notes and 3 rests) •Intervals — What intervals do you notice throughout the excerpt? (min. 5 melodic and 5 harmonic intervals) •Chords/Triads — Discuss 10 different chords found throughout the piece •Remember: Chords can happen at the same time or can be determined by a combination of notes on a given beat. •Scales — Discuss 5 different major/minor (3 kinds) scales found in the piece. You must use full sentences and reference measure numbers in your analysis. Treat this project like a final paper; proper grammar and correct spelling/punctuation is required. While there is no minimum word count, you must thoroughly and accurately discuss all of these topics in your responses. Points will be subtracted for incorrect/insufficient explanations. The piece you will be analyzing is the first movement of W.A. Mozart’s “Piano Sonata No. 16”. The PDF of the piece can be found within the Final Project Module.

Time/Key Signature and Rhythm •What are the time and key signatures? •Discuss what types of rhythms are used (min. 5 notes and 3 rests) •Intervals — What intervals do you notice throughout the excerpt? (min. 5 melodic and 5 harmonic intervals) •Chords/Triads — Discuss 10 different chords found throughout the piece •Remember: Chords can happen at the same time or can be determined by a combination of notes on a given beat. •Scales — Discuss 5 different major/minor (3 kinds) scales found in the piece.

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