Using Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night, generate one or more research questions for research


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Using Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night, generate one or more research questions for research
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Using Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night, generate one or more research questions.
Conduct research and identify five outside sources. These may include books, magazine and journal articles, authoritative websites, and oral histories.
Generate an original point of view/thesis and carry it through with evidence for 8-10 pages.
Generate a separate document as your research log.


Possible research questions could be:

How did Dr. Mengele choose which Auschwitz prisoners for medical experimentation?
What is the effect of trauma on Holocaust survivors or survivors of any genocide?
How did concentration camp inmates mourn their dead?
What has been the healing process for genocide survivors?

Note: Carefully consider choosing questions that relate to your major.


8-10 pages, double spaced in 12-point type
Quotations to back up your arguments with MLA citations
Each quote should be introduced
Works Cited page (not counted in the 6-8 pages)
A point of view, thesis
A title that reflects your point of view or thesis
No “I” or “you”

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