he Role of the Nursing Assessment in Preventing and Responding

“The Role of the Nursing Assessment in Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse.” Simply stated, how vital of a role the school nurse plays in childhood development. With most/ or many children staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic, child abuse has tripled.


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he Role of the Nursing Assessment in Preventing and Responding
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What have you found interesting about the topic you chose in Week Three for your final research paper?

I will be changing my final paper’s topic slightly to a more narrow subject field based on our developmental stages study. Initially, my final paper would cover “The Role of Educators in Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse and changing the topic to “ “The Role of the Nursing Assessment in Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse.” Simply stated, how vital of a role the school nurse plays in childhood development. With most/ or many children staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic, child abuse has tripled.

How can you apply the knowledge you have gained so far in this term toward your work in the medical field?

As a nurse, I can apply my knowledge gained so far this term during the nursing assessment, preparing a plan of care, interventions, and patient teaching. Moreover, key factors learned in this term will help in the development of nursing care plans. The nursing care plan offers direction on the kind of nursing attention that an individual/family/community may require. (Hooks, Robin, 2016) The primary point of the nursing care plan is to facilitate standardized, evidence-based, and holistic care (Ballantyne, Helen, 2016) Nursing care plans have been essential for decades for human purposes and are now embodied in veterinary medicine. A care plan includes the following components: assessment, diagnosis, expected outcomes, interventions, rationale, and evaluation therefore the ability to apply theories sure as Maslow’s Hierarchy to the clinical setting. This is an important aspect of nursing because it allows nurses to be more aware of their role and how they can best support patients with specific needs. The nurse must be able to identify the patient’s needs and provide them with appropriate care.

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