In order for the student to put his/her learning into practice, the student is required to connect to the outside world by interviewing a management-level professional (of his/her choice) in a position related to one of the areas of law we will study this semester. The student will develop the questions, format, and structure of the interview. (The student may request assistance from the instructor, if needed.)

The paper’s focus is on the “real-life” application of a law/rule or regulation on the day-to-day business practices of a particular company or manager/executive. Therefore, your paper would discuss a given area of law/rule/ or regulation, note its application to the particular company, and discuss how the company, via the interview, deals with or addresses that law/rule or regulation in its business operations.

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Past papers have included studies of the impact of laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Environmental Regulation, etc. on particular companies. See the Course Documents tab on Blackboard for examples of student papers submitted in the past. The paper would therefore, in general, discuss the relevant law/rule or regulation, how such law/rule or regulation impacts the business organization/entity (based on the interview and your research) and perhaps what conclusions might be drawn in terms of such law/rule or regulation and its relationship/impact on the company.

The fieldwork paper should be double-spaced, 10-12 of typed pages in length (12pt font) (not including any cover/title, table of contents pages, Works Cited/Reference page, or appendix) and should incorporate correct grammar and punctuation. Please include citations to at least five different sources within your paper, (not including your citation to the interview) and of which at least two must be from an authoritative book that may include your textbook. You also must have a “Works Cited”/ “Reference” page at the end. (Note: APA format required) Wikipedia HOWEVER is NOT an acceptable source

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