Bipolar 1 Disorder

Detailed Instructions:
This is a 2 section Report. Section A will likely be 1-3 pages and vary for everyone, depending on their topic and the length of their corresponding DSM section. Section B will be 6-7 pages (submitting over 7 pages for this section is only permitted if the extra length relates to including the bonus part entitled “4. Optional Bonus Section”)

Section A: Diagnostic Criteria
Cut and paste the Diagnostic Criteria section on your topic from the DSM 5 chapter on your topic;

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1. Go online to the DSM 5 as demonstrated in class (from a Humber computer or with the Library proxy server (contact the library for assistance, not your professor) to “PsychiatryOnline”;
2. Click on the entry PsychiatryOnline at;
3. Click on the image of the purple book, then
4. Click on “Section II: Diagnostic Criteria and Codes”;
5. Select a chapter that contains your topic’s diagnosis;
6. Scroll to the chapter’s specific section of your diagnosis of interest and locate the pink background insert entitled “Diagnostic Features”;
7. Select, cut and paste this entire Diagnostic Criteria section (it usually will be 1-3 pages single spaced / 12 pt. font) into Section A of your report (single spacing required for this report section only).
(1 mark: but minus 5 marks if you omit this)

Section B: Discussion of Topic

1. Causes
· Detail all the currently known main causes of the mental health challenge / diagnosis that you have found in your research. (6 marks)

2. Impacts
· Given your Section A – Diagnostic Criteria information and the other information in the Diagnostic Features section of your diagnosis of interest, comment on several specific issues (e.g., stigmatization, family problems, employment issues, challenges to maintaining optimal day to day functioning, etc.) that you believe are likely to arise for a client with the mental health challenge you are discussing.
· Explain why you think these issues are likely to occur; what the research says about them. This information is based on what you have learned through your research, what has been taught in class or through your work in the field. If relating your comments to your experience in the field, you must clearly identify this as the source of your information. (6 marks)

3. Treatments
· From your research, discuss the main treatments commonly used, and why they are used such as medical (e.g., medications / surgeries or other medical treatments), psychological (e.g., the main types of therapies or other interventions), and social, family, alternative treatments.
· You must discuss treatments that address at least 3 of the different areas / issues noted in your Impacts section. (6 marks)

4. Optional Bonus Marks
· This is an optional section worth up to 2 extra marks. Provide several specific and detailedexamples of how you, as an SSW, might intervene with specific SSW activities / roles that are part of the SSW Standards of Practice with your client(s) who have the mental health challenge you are discussing (e.g., what resources might you provide for them, where would you refer (you must use specific agency names and their specific program names) them if necessary/applicable, etc.)

See the sample Assignment posted to BB for more ideas.

Be sure to back up your ideas in the above sections with researched information from RELEVANT literature that you cite.

Formatting Marks and Requirements (5 marks)
You will also be graded on the appearance, style, and APA format of your report.
Is there a cover page and title?
Is your report well organized using only the headings noted in these instructions?
Are in-text citations frequent and completed correctly?
Is there a complete References page with only resources cited in-text listed?
Are your spelling and grammar correct?

Ensure the following is done:

· References /In-text Citations must be APA style:
Use at least 5 books or journal articles + 1 reputable Internet source
Sources MUST be current – published in year 2013 or later
Please see: (APA style) or check with the Humber librarians for assistance.
Listed alphabetically on a final page – double spaced tiled: “References”.
Never name the article or book title in in-text citations and ensure that you have the correct author.
Do not use or cite your class PPT slides

· Total Length: 6-7 pages, plus the pasted in DSM Symptom section and a Title and a References page
· Font: New Times Roman only, Font Size: 12 pt.
· Margins of 2.5 centimeters only (i.e., left, right, top and bottom)
· Justification: Left only – papers will not be marked if left and right justified
· Line Spacing: Double
· Page Numbers: Top right hand corner
· Absolutely no figures, tables or charts or photos are allowed
· Absolutely no bulleted lists allowed
· Quotations: up to 3 short (i.e., less than 39 word) quotations are allowable and must be relevant and necessary and cited properly in-text with page numbers
· You submit the final report to Turnitin (see below) and in class

* If English is your second language, or you often struggle with grammar, spelling or formatting, you are strongly encouraged to have a strong writer assist you with editing your paper, and/or to contact the Writing Centre well in advance of the due date to set up appointments for assistance.

As per the School of Social and Community Services policy you are required to use Turnitin as a tool to assistyou with this report: uses textual similarity review to check for plagiarism.Please note that all submitted papers will be included as source documents in the referencedatabase solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. The terms that apply to the College’suse of the service are described on the web site. Plagiarism is a serious offenceand can lead to significant penalties as stated in the Admission Requirements & Academic Regulations for Degree, Diploma and Certificate Studies. Students are encouraged to visit the Humber Library’s plagiarismtutorial – You Quote It, You Note It at You Quote It: Interactive Plagiarism Tutorial:

After you receive your Turnitin Similarity score be aware that there is no correct score or maximum: some students will have a score of 5% and others may have 25% similar and both could be acceptable. You should review each highlighted instance of similarity. Only references or direct quotes should be the main sources of similarity. If you see blocks of text that are highlighted as similar and you have not quoted that material then you likely need to paraphrase better, add an in-text citation and then re-submit the report to Turnitin.

Circumstances may arise whereby a student must continue in a course despite their principled objection toparticipate in the use of such systems. In those cases, the instructor will provide such students with areasonable offline alternative to using the system such as, but not limited to:

· Require a short reflection paper on research methodology
· Require a draft bibliography prior to submission of the final work
· Require the cover page and first cited page of each reference source to be photocopied andsubmitted with the final paper; and/or
· Require the submission of specified rough notes and drafts

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