Individual Reflective/Reflexive Assignment

Individual 1,500 word reflective/reflexive assignment
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Individual Reflective/Reflexive Assignment
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You are required to write a 1,500-wordreflective and reflexive piece on the development of your intercultural awareness and effectiveness during the time you have studied at the University. You should use reference to the content and materials of this module.


A 400-word section of your reflexive piece should examine your professional development and specifically how your future professional career or role will be enhanced by the understanding, skills and strategies developed on this module. The 400 words must be clearly informed by reference to your subject studies in the Business School.


Throughout the academic year you are expected to keep a regular weekly blog or journal reflecting on:

·         your experience and understanding of the content of The Global Professional sessions, including the theories, concepts and models presented in the sessions

·         your subject module experience and the relevance of your subject modules to future career goals

·         cultural behaviour which you observe

·         your emotions and feelings related to all the above

·         the development of your intercultural sensitivity and effectiveness

Furthermore, following each of the sessions there will be session tasks for you to complete which consolidate your understanding of the session content. Extracts from the session tasks and your blog/journal will form the basis of your 1,500 reflective/reflexive writing; demonstrating the progress you have made towards being able to enter the global workplace with confidence as an interculturally effective graduate. You are expected to justify your perception of your progress by referencing key theories, concepts, and models from the module.


You are strongly advised to:

·         complete all of the session tasks

·         keep a regular blog/journal as outlined above

·         pay close attention to the learning outcomes and the assessment criteria in order to fully understand what your tutor is looking for when marking your work.








Appendix 1 PGT Assessment Criteria


These criteria are intended to help you understand how your work will be assessed.  They describe different levels of performance of a given criteria.


Criteria are not weighted equally, and the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.


The grades between Pass and Merit should be considered as different levels of performance within the normal bounds of the module. The higher-level categories allow for students who, in addition to fulfilling the basic requirement, perform at a superior level beyond the normal boundaries of the module and demonstrate intellectual creativity, originality and innovation.


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