Discussion – “Indian Mascot” – Due Nov 29

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In this discussion, watch the videos and read material about discriminatory mascots. Native Americans are not the only group that has been used as mascots. You will find that the issue is not really a sports issue at all.

Read the articles below and search on your own for more information. Be sure to cite any article or video you use for information. Be sure to actually read the articles and watch the videos and use them in your responses.

All forums/Discussions require 1 original post and at least 2 replies. Write one original post of at least 250 words and reply to at least 2 other students with 100 words each post. It is best to put your word count at the end of your post to make sure you have enough words.

Face to face classes do NOT need to write reply posts. Your grade for the reply postings will be from your attendance the week after the assignment is due online.

What is your experience with the “Indian Mascot” debate?

What are some  of the most compelling arguments for   and against the use of Indian imagery as sport teams mascots?

Has your perspective n the debate changed after exploring this topic? (Explain why or why not)

Redskins, Sambos, and Whities – Racism in Sports Mascots (Links to an external site.)

15 Racist Brand Mascots And Logos That Make The Redskins Look Progressive (Links to an external site.)

How ‘Indian’ mascots oppress (Links to an external site.)

Timeline: A Century of Racist Sports Team Names (Links to an external site.)

Sorry, Redskins fans: Native American mascots increase racial bias (Links to an external site.)

Culturally Appropriate Chicago Blackhawks Logo by First Nations Artist Goes Viral (Links to an external site.)

Psychology Today: The Native American Mascot: Tribute or Stereotype? (Links to an external site.)

Nov 2020 – 11-year-old is driving force behind Native American mascot discussion (Links to an external site.)


Adidas is paying schools to drop racist Native American mascots (Links to an external site.)

The following is the Dahkota Brown video, “Missing the Point: The Real Impact of Team Names on American Indian and Alaska Native Youth”


Missing the Point: The Real Impact of Team Names on American Indian and Alaska Native Youth (Links to an external site.)


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